Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday May 22, 2009

Today was the first time this week that I did not wake up to sunny skies. It was cloudy and cool all day. I followed my normal routine and ended up at the Kava House. Today's DFP continued it's coverage of the trial and tribulations of GM. It does not look good. One interesting concept that has been proposed is the creation of agricultural zones in the abandoned areas of Detroit. Detroit has lost 45% of its population in recent years. Whole neighborhoods have been abandoned leaving only burned out houses. Recent articles have told of deer and pheasants returning to these areas. Some urban planners have said lets clean the areas up and create green zones. I like this concept.

This afternoon I have an appointment with a nose doctor. My continual nose running and snoring prompted me to tell my doctor during my annual checkup. He sent me to this nose doctor. I now have some medicine that is suppose to eliminate all my nose problems. Time will tell. After the doctor visit I took a nap and walked 3 miles.

This evening Nancy and I attended a neighborhood TGIF. It was well attended and we both had a good time. We are now waiting for the arrival of Tasha. She and Ms P are expected any minute now.

May 22, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Paris. It was a Sunday and Grandmother rested. Yesterday Charles Lindberg landed in Paris. 100,000 people were at the airport when Lindberg landed. It is interesting to note that Grandmother Hughes did not make one comment on this historic flight.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday and GG attended a ball game between Ossineke and Nicholson Hill. The score was 8-2 in favor of Ossineke. Church in the evening with 12 people in attendance.

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