Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday May 19, 2009

It was not as cold this morning as the weather man said. When I looked out the window at 0700 all I could see was blue sky and sunshine. I got a late start so I did not get home until 1 PM. On Mondays I mow the lawn. I started about 2 and finished at 6 PM. It took longer than usual because I used the edging feature on my weed wacker.

Tonight is cereal night. I had granola with strawberries and blackberries. It was good. Right now I am in my office writing this blog and watching the seasons final show of 24.

May 18, 2009 with Grandmother Hughes in Europe. Grandmother wrote "Versailles, Rueill Church where Josephine and Hortends are buried could not go into the church as there was a funeral. Visit - Chistle (?) of Malmaison which Napoleon gave to Josephine after their divorce and where she lived with her swan daughter. Lunch at Versailles visit the palace and garden. Marie Antoinette lived there with Louis XVI. Grand Trianon Petil, Saint Cloud Sevres, Versailles built by Louie XIII, then added to by Louie XIV. Louie XIV picture in every room. In the evening saw Paris by night". Grandmother was really into French history. The diary was written in pencil and is very hard to read. Grandmother spent a whole page writing about her lunch at Versalles and on the train to Paris. I will not bore you with the details.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG and the Mrs planted 8 rows beans. Cold wind forced GG to quit at 1000. GG went fishing at the Dam. He and David fished from 3 to 5 PM, they caught 4 bull heads, 1 sucker. In the evening the power went out for an hour. In previous blogs I had incorrectly stated that GG and David had caught blue gills. I have figured out GG abbreviation BH stood for bullheads.

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