Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday May 25, 2009

We slept in again. Nancy and I got up at 0730. I thought we were all going out for breakfast but Tasha said she and Ms P had to get home so she could mow her lawn. Nancy fixed Tasha her world famous poached eggs on toast. After Tasha and Ms P left, Nancy and I headed to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had hot cakes and eggs. Nancy only had coffee. Mine was better.

After breakfast it was yard work time. Nancy pulled weeds on the hill and I mowed the grass. The grass this week was not as thick as in past weeks. I think the warmer days and not as much rain as in previous weeks contributed to the thinner grass. Nancy also cleaned the porta-crib and we inspected the couch that was stored in the garage. We decided to sell the couch at a future garage sale. After the yard work I took a 3 mile walk. Tonight being Monday means that we had cereal for dinner. Nancy cleaned some strawberries to put on top of the cereal.

Today is Memorial Day. As a boy growing up in Alpena, MI, Memorial Day was the official end of the cold season. Memorial Day was the day my mother let me take off the long underwear. Alpena always had a big Memorial Day parade. The Boy Scouts would always march in the parade. I think I marched in about 4 parades.

May 25, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Avignon, France. Grandmother spent the night in Avignon and caught the morning train for Nice, France. She arrived in Nice at 3:30 PM.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday with a light rain. GG worked in garden about 3 hours. In the afternoon he cut the grass and fetched 5 baskets to back of ice house.

Who is having the better time, Grandmother Hughes in Europe, GG tending his garden in Ossineke, or yours truly marching in the parade?

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