Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday May 23, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and Nancy and I get up and get out. Today is going to be a busy day. I get out my retro bike and pedal to Starbucks in Gas Light Village. I buy a NYT and coffee. Ok I also bought 2 sugar coated donuts. Tasha and Ms P arrived in GR on Friday. When I got home from Starbucks, Tasha, Ms P, Nancy and I get in the car and head for Mt Pleasant. We are going to pick up Sasha and then head to Alma for the memorial service for cousin Peg. On Friday Sasha flew from SF to DET and then rented a car to drive to Mt Pleasant. She got in after midnight. The memorial service was scheduled to start at 1PM. We got there at 1250 and sister HC and her family were already there. In addition cousin Billy's daughter Mary, and son Patrick were in attendance. Patrick brought his daughter. The memorial service was very nice. The weather had cleared and the cemetery looked nice for Memorial Day. After the service we all headed to Mt Pleasant to have lunch at the old Holiday Inn on M20. I got to talk to Patrick and his sister Mary and obtained some info about the Hughes family that I did not know.

Looking back on the memorial service and luncheon I think cousin Peg would have approved. After lunch we dropped Sasha off at the Motel and headed back to GR. We spent a quiet evening at home watching TV.

May 23, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Paris. Grandmother wrote "visited stores and made plans for our next trip".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote "nice morning we planted 6 rows corn, we drove to Alpena for noon lunch, back home at 4 PM.

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