Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday May 19, 2009

Another sunny day with full blue shy all day. The temperature reached the upper 70's. It was great. I got back from my morning routine early so I could meet our super duper electrician PD. The fan in an upstairs bathroom had quit working. PD took out the blower and hopes to get a new one soon. I also asked PD to place another outside outlet so I would not be dragging so much electrical cord when I am mowing the lawn. The lawn mowing has become a lot more strenuous than I remember it being last year. Perhaps it is because I am a year older. I cut the grass yesterday and today I am whipped. In fact I took a short nap this afternoon.

I down loaded some pictures taken of cousin Peg's furniture. I sent copies of the photos to Tasha, Sasha and HC. Perhaps there is something that a family member could use.

I ended the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. I only wore a shirt but I still worked up a sweat. It was great. This evening Nancy cooked chicken breast on the grill. Food on the grill means warmer weather is here to stay.

Today's DFP had a review of the new Chevy volt. The volt is GM's electric car. The DFP's writer said that the volt is a joy to drive. I hope for GM's sake that the car is popular. Detroit needs a big hit. Today the President signed the new mileage requirements for cars and trucks. Not a whimper out of the car companies. The times they have changed.

May 19, 1927: Grandmother Hughes in Paris, grandmother wrote "Louvre, stores". I love it when grandmother is brief.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote: "we drove to Florence's (my grandmother), today is Florence and Rob's birthday. We took them the big trout and 10 bullheads. Rain and foggy. The radio was bad with static". (bad weather often interfered with the AM radio signal)

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