Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday May 17, 2009

It got cold last night but it did not freeze. The alarm goes off at 0656 and Nancy and I head for the MAC for our Sunday swim. We both swam 1500 yards in less than 45 minutes. I filled Nancy's car up at Meijers. Gas was $2.34 per gallon. Although gas had risen $0.25 in the last week it is not expected to go much higher. Apparently there is a glut on the market. Of course for breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.

I took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I loaded up the kayak and paddled around Reeds Lake. I noticed 2 lakeside homes for sale. Maybe the bad economy has hit EGR.

We have not had the heat on in the house in May. This evening it got so cold in our back room that I turned on the electric base board heater. There are frost warnings for this evening but it will reach 80 degrees on Wednesday.

May 17, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is in Paris. She wrote " East side, Palace de Opera, Rue del Paix, shopping district, Statue of Joan of Arc, Marie Antonette, Palace of Justice, sainte chapelle built by Louie IX beautiful glass windows, upper floor for Royalty to worship, hole in wall where Louie XI hid to hear mass. Pantheon where Voltaire and Hugo are buried. Notre Dame when Cardinal dies, his hat is hung in Notre Dame until it turns to dust. Spent evening in room". I wrote exactly what Grandmother Hughes had written in the diary. She had a very busy day. Grandmother had a traveling companion. I think her name was Mrs Manion.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote: cool but pleasant, Mrs and I planted 4 rows of beans and 1 row of pumpkin. Worked in post office in afternoon.

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