Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday May 31, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656 and Nancy and I get ready to go swimming at the MAC. We both swam for 45 minutes. Today was a bright sunny day. After our normal trip to Meijer's Nancy made her world famous poached eggs on toast.

Following my normal Sunday afternoon routine, I took a short nap and then a 3 mile walk. Reeds Lake was loaded with sailboats and the park was jammed. We do love a warm sunny day.

Nancy cooked me hot dogs on the grill tonight. She grilled herself a hamburger. Dogs and burgers on the grill are great. I topped off the meal with a bowl of rhubarb sauce. The Red Wings are on TV tonight and I will watch after I finish the blog.

May 31, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Rome, Italy. Grandmother wrote:" Appian Way, Catacombs, Tomb of Cecelia Mettella (?), Aqueduct built by Claudius, return by new Appian Way.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG wrote: nice day all day, average 65. Planted several rows of corn, AM & PM. Worked in post office until 4PM.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday May 30, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626. The day is starting on the cool side with the temperatures in the 40s. Nancy gets up right away so she can get to her early class at the MAC. I am more leisurely because I have to decide where to have breakfast. I decide on the Brandywine so I stop at D&W to get a NYT. The NYT or DFP have not yet been delivered. I stop and Starbucks and they do not have any NYT. This is discouraging the NYT raises its price to $2 and they can't get it to a newsstand before 0800. Anyway I buy a GRP and have my breakfast, short stack and eggs.

Today is going to be too windy for kayaking so I get out the road bike and head for the White Pine Trail. Today I pedalled the full length of the paved section. It is 24 miles from Riverside Park to the end of the pavement in Sand Lake. This is my longest, 48m, ride of the year. My goal is to do a century before September.

I got home showered and took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Russ's. Nancy and I took a 1 mile walk around the neighborhood. It was very pleasant. The Red Wings are on tonight and if I can stay awake I will try to watch the entire game. I have trouble watching hockey in warm weather.

May 30, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Rome, Italy. Grandmother Hughes was seeing the sites. This is what she wrote. "Saw Santa Marius Maggiori Church, Holy stairway, chains that St Peter and Paul were bound with, Basilica of St John, Lateran Colosseum, Golden House of Nero, Statue of Moses by Michelangelo".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Memorial Day. In my youth Memorial Day was always on May 30. No sissy three day week end. GG wrote " we set garden plants in the morning, then drove out for dinner and drove all through the cemetery, home by 4 PM. It was warm, 70, all day".

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday May 29, 2009

It got cold last night. We call 50 degrees cold in May but 50 degrees in April is down right balmy. I was really glad when I finished by workout this morning. Fridays are always tough. Today's DFP has already conceded that GM will never be the same. Bankruptcy is expected to start on Monday. The only good news in Detroit are the Red Wings.

This afternoon Nancy and I visited Costco. Nancy made several small purchases. We did not need gas but most stations in the GR area are charging $2.76 per gallon.

After lunch I loaded up the kayak and headed for Ada. I put in at Amway and paddled up the Grand River to the Thornapple River. I then paddled up the Thornapple to the Ada Dam. The only traffic on the river was a single fisherman. The entire trip took about 1 hour.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me three small pizzas we purchased at Costco. I also had some rhubarb sauce. I fell asleep watching the news and slept about 30 minutes. To shake out the cobwebs I took a short walk. The days keep getting longer. Sunset tonight was at 9:13.

May 29, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Genoa, Italy. Grandmother left Genoa and arrived in Rome at 7:30 PM. They are staying at the Swiss Pension. It cost 45L per day with meals.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG said it was Sunday a fine, clear day. GG and GGmother drove to the baseball game. Greeley Grange vs Hubbard Lake. Greeley Grange won 10-2. They went to church this evening and 9 people were in attendance.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday May 28, 2009

It was a cold dreary day. (the start of the great American novel) The only good thing was I finished the last of 21 pills I have been taking to shrink up the thingies in my nose. The pills are gross and leave a bad taste in my mouth. The good news is, my snoring appears to be less intense. Today I also pedalled my road bike instead of the retro. The retro bike's ride, with its balloon tires, is more cushioned than the skinny tired road bike. However, it is easier to pedal the road bike. Life is about trade offs.

Today's DFP continues to report on GM's impending bankruptcy. I think GM should have declared bankruptcy months ago and kept the Feds out of their operations. However, I came to this conclusion only about 1 week ago.

It was such a miserable day that this afternoon I stayed in the office and completed some chores. I set up a meeting with our stock broker for next week. I paid some bills. I set up an education fund for ACS. Nancy and I also selected a motel for our trip to Mackinaw Island in July.

It being Thursday evening Nancy and I headed for GLS for dinner. I had the French dip and Nancy had a trip to the salad bar. We spent a quiet evening reading and watching reruns on TV.

May 28, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Genoa, Italy. Today Grandmother Hughes visited stores in the morning and cemetery in afternoon. Another fun filled day for GH.

Ossineks, MI this date in 1938. It was a nice day and GG and GGmother spent the day in the garden. Aunt Julia also started her garden. GGmother planted squash and a mystery plant and GG ran the cultivator.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday May 27, 2009

Ah! Wednesday my easy day. It was so easy that Nancy went downstairs and got her own coffee this morning. The weather man said to expect showers in the morning with clearing in the afternoon. We had heavy rain over night. It wasn't raining when I went out to inspect so I got out the retro and pedalled to D&W for a DFP and then to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had eggs and potatoes.

After breakfast it looked like the weather was clearing so I loaded up the kayak. I drove to Crystal Lake in Montcalm County. Crystal Lake is the biggest lake in the county. Most of the homes on the lake have been remodeled in recent years. It was overcast and muggy so I did not see much activity on the lake. The water is very clear with a firm sand bottom. I did notice a lot of jet skis so the lake is probably very noisy on summer weekends. I hate jet skis. It is 4 miles around the lake and it took me 2 hours of paddling. I did hit some wavy conditions on my last leg and it took a lot of effort paddling into the wind.

I got home at 3:30 so I got out the road bike and pedalled around Reeds Lake. I also tried to put the 26" front wheel from my retro on the road bike. The road bike has skinny 27" wheels. The 26" wheel could not fit between the front forks of the road bike.

Wednesday night is cereal night. Nancy and I watched the news including cable news between 7 and 8. We also switched between the Red Wings game and Law and Order.

May 27, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Nice, France. Grandmother wrote: "left Nice at 1:15 PM and arrived in Genoa, Italy at 7 PM". She stayed at Genoa Hotel.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG worked in garden in the morning and worked in post office in afternoon.

Neither Great Grandfather Sanborn or Grandmother Hughes felt like writing today. I hope everyone is getting their 30 minutes outdoors every day.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday May 26, 2009

Today Nancy and I got back to normal after our Memorial Day weekend. Everything was normal except I gave Nancy her coffee in the Monday cup and not the Tuesday cup. I ended up, as I normally do, at the Kava House reading the DFP. The DFP was very subdued today because the fate of GM's bankruptcy will be decided today.

Kim our cleaning lady was here today and she brought me some rhubarb. I love rhubarb. After lunch I ran some errands. I stopped at Home Deport and got a spool of string for the weed wacker. I also looked at some screening material and asked some advice on how I could screen off our breeze way. I like the breeze way in summer but on some evenings the bugs are bad. I also stopped at Schuler's Books to read up on 29" bikes and also to see if they had any USGS Topo maps. They do not.

I ran the errands instead of going kayaking because the weather people said it was going to rain today. This afternoon was bright and sunny. I did take a 3 mile walk. This evening I hope to get some reading done. I have a stack of magazines that need reading.

May 26, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Nice, France. Grandmother wrote "Drove to Menton for lunch, then to Monte Carlo over Grand Cornief Road and back to Nice on the Lower Cornief Road".

Ossineke, MI this day in 1938. Drove 8th Grade kids to Alpena High. (probably for orientation) In afternoon went to garden and put in kukes and mushmellow. Spent 3 hours in garden.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday May 25, 2009

We slept in again. Nancy and I got up at 0730. I thought we were all going out for breakfast but Tasha said she and Ms P had to get home so she could mow her lawn. Nancy fixed Tasha her world famous poached eggs on toast. After Tasha and Ms P left, Nancy and I headed to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had hot cakes and eggs. Nancy only had coffee. Mine was better.

After breakfast it was yard work time. Nancy pulled weeds on the hill and I mowed the grass. The grass this week was not as thick as in past weeks. I think the warmer days and not as much rain as in previous weeks contributed to the thinner grass. Nancy also cleaned the porta-crib and we inspected the couch that was stored in the garage. We decided to sell the couch at a future garage sale. After the yard work I took a 3 mile walk. Tonight being Monday means that we had cereal for dinner. Nancy cleaned some strawberries to put on top of the cereal.

Today is Memorial Day. As a boy growing up in Alpena, MI, Memorial Day was the official end of the cold season. Memorial Day was the day my mother let me take off the long underwear. Alpena always had a big Memorial Day parade. The Boy Scouts would always march in the parade. I think I marched in about 4 parades.

May 25, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Avignon, France. Grandmother spent the night in Avignon and caught the morning train for Nice, France. She arrived in Nice at 3:30 PM.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday with a light rain. GG worked in garden about 3 hours. In the afternoon he cut the grass and fetched 5 baskets to back of ice house.

Who is having the better time, Grandmother Hughes in Europe, GG tending his garden in Ossineke, or yours truly marching in the parade?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday May 24, 2009

Sunday we all slept in. We finally got up at 0730. Tasha, Nancy and I piled into the Taurus and headed for Cheri Inn for breakfast. After breakfast Tasha and I loaded our bikes in the Aztek and headed for the bike trail that runs from Marne to Ravenna. I was surprised that the trail was not busy. We rode 26.2 miles in 1h59m. If we were running we would have set the world record for the marathon. Tasha was kind enough to slow down and ride with me. It was a beautiful, sunny day.

After the ride I took a short nap. At 5 PM Nancy and I walked next door to a graduation party for Ben. Ben is graduating from high school. It was a nice party. For dinner Nancy grilled pork outside. We also had corn-on-the-cob and a barley dish. It was great. Presently, I am watching 60 minutes and typing this blog. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and we are going out for breakfast and then we will have an easy day.

May 24, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is visiting Europe. On this day she wrote: "leaving Paris 0820, arriving Avignon, France 7:20 PM, staying at Grand Hotel.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Tuesday, very cold wind out of NW. GG planted tomatoes, cabbage and onion, looks bad for frost this evening.

Saturday May 23, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and Nancy and I get up and get out. Today is going to be a busy day. I get out my retro bike and pedal to Starbucks in Gas Light Village. I buy a NYT and coffee. Ok I also bought 2 sugar coated donuts. Tasha and Ms P arrived in GR on Friday. When I got home from Starbucks, Tasha, Ms P, Nancy and I get in the car and head for Mt Pleasant. We are going to pick up Sasha and then head to Alma for the memorial service for cousin Peg. On Friday Sasha flew from SF to DET and then rented a car to drive to Mt Pleasant. She got in after midnight. The memorial service was scheduled to start at 1PM. We got there at 1250 and sister HC and her family were already there. In addition cousin Billy's daughter Mary, and son Patrick were in attendance. Patrick brought his daughter. The memorial service was very nice. The weather had cleared and the cemetery looked nice for Memorial Day. After the service we all headed to Mt Pleasant to have lunch at the old Holiday Inn on M20. I got to talk to Patrick and his sister Mary and obtained some info about the Hughes family that I did not know.

Looking back on the memorial service and luncheon I think cousin Peg would have approved. After lunch we dropped Sasha off at the Motel and headed back to GR. We spent a quiet evening at home watching TV.

May 23, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Paris. Grandmother wrote "visited stores and made plans for our next trip".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote "nice morning we planted 6 rows corn, we drove to Alpena for noon lunch, back home at 4 PM.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday May 22, 2009

Today was the first time this week that I did not wake up to sunny skies. It was cloudy and cool all day. I followed my normal routine and ended up at the Kava House. Today's DFP continued it's coverage of the trial and tribulations of GM. It does not look good. One interesting concept that has been proposed is the creation of agricultural zones in the abandoned areas of Detroit. Detroit has lost 45% of its population in recent years. Whole neighborhoods have been abandoned leaving only burned out houses. Recent articles have told of deer and pheasants returning to these areas. Some urban planners have said lets clean the areas up and create green zones. I like this concept.

This afternoon I have an appointment with a nose doctor. My continual nose running and snoring prompted me to tell my doctor during my annual checkup. He sent me to this nose doctor. I now have some medicine that is suppose to eliminate all my nose problems. Time will tell. After the doctor visit I took a nap and walked 3 miles.

This evening Nancy and I attended a neighborhood TGIF. It was well attended and we both had a good time. We are now waiting for the arrival of Tasha. She and Ms P are expected any minute now.

May 22, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Paris. It was a Sunday and Grandmother rested. Yesterday Charles Lindberg landed in Paris. 100,000 people were at the airport when Lindberg landed. It is interesting to note that Grandmother Hughes did not make one comment on this historic flight.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday and GG attended a ball game between Ossineke and Nicholson Hill. The score was 8-2 in favor of Ossineke. Church in the evening with 12 people in attendance.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday May 21, 2009

Another nice sunny day. The temperature reached 82 degrees this afternoon. Like Monday, Thursday is a busy day for me, exercise wise. Today was the first day this year that I did not need a sweat shirt on my bike ride to the MAC. In fact I only wore 1 shirt on my run outside. As usual I bought a DFP and read it at the Kava House.

After lunch I got in the Aztek and headed for the Comcast office. Our remote was on the fritz so I got a new one. It was a simple exchange with no money involved. I took the kayak to Riverside Park and for the first time this year the water was low enough for me to launch the kayak. I paddled down to the 6th Street bridge and back. It took 1.5 hours. Being on the water is one of the most relaxing things I know. I recommend it for stressed out folks.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside. In a couple of weeks GLS will have their Thursday night band on the patio. Speaking of firsts, tonight I will not need by electric blanket.

May 21, 1927 Grandmother Hughes' visit to Europe. Today Grandmother visited battlefields along the Marne to Chateau-Thierry, Belleau Wood Opera House. ( A famous WWI battle was fought at Belleau Wood and a military cemetery is located at Chateau-Thierry. Chateau-Thierry is located in northern France on the Marne River. I am assuming Grandmother was on a tour bus.)

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG drove to Alpena and was home by noon. He bought 100# of scratch. In the afternoon GG planted 2 dozen tomatoes and 2 dozen cabbage. Rain after 4 PM.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday May 20, 2009

Today I had to set my alarm because I had a 0700 breakfast club meeting. We had a doctor speak on a single payer national health insurance plan. Most of the members are very conservative and don't like anything associated with the Feds. However, they are all on medicare. I liked the presentation and I think that a single payer plan is best for the country. I hung around after the meeting talking with my old boss, Dave Despres. I did stop by the Kava House and read the DFP. Both the Red Wings and Tigers won last night.

When I got home I got out my retro and pedalled to the MAC. I swam 1050 yards in 30 minutes. At 3 PM I had a GRBA meeting. We are having some problems getting data out of the City staff. They are very unorganized. To ease my frustration I went on a 3 mile walk. Today the temperature got up to 80 degrees. It was great.

May 20, 1927. Grandmother Hughes was in Paris and visited Barbagon and Fontainebleau.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote it was cold and rainy. He was home all morning. Also worked in post office in the afternoon. Friendly Circle meeting at the Bryuings (?). Weather cleared up about 4 PM. GG drove for Mrs Hammer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday May 19, 2009

Another sunny day with full blue shy all day. The temperature reached the upper 70's. It was great. I got back from my morning routine early so I could meet our super duper electrician PD. The fan in an upstairs bathroom had quit working. PD took out the blower and hopes to get a new one soon. I also asked PD to place another outside outlet so I would not be dragging so much electrical cord when I am mowing the lawn. The lawn mowing has become a lot more strenuous than I remember it being last year. Perhaps it is because I am a year older. I cut the grass yesterday and today I am whipped. In fact I took a short nap this afternoon.

I down loaded some pictures taken of cousin Peg's furniture. I sent copies of the photos to Tasha, Sasha and HC. Perhaps there is something that a family member could use.

I ended the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. I only wore a shirt but I still worked up a sweat. It was great. This evening Nancy cooked chicken breast on the grill. Food on the grill means warmer weather is here to stay.

Today's DFP had a review of the new Chevy volt. The volt is GM's electric car. The DFP's writer said that the volt is a joy to drive. I hope for GM's sake that the car is popular. Detroit needs a big hit. Today the President signed the new mileage requirements for cars and trucks. Not a whimper out of the car companies. The times they have changed.

May 19, 1927: Grandmother Hughes in Paris, grandmother wrote "Louvre, stores". I love it when grandmother is brief.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote: "we drove to Florence's (my grandmother), today is Florence and Rob's birthday. We took them the big trout and 10 bullheads. Rain and foggy. The radio was bad with static". (bad weather often interfered with the AM radio signal)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday May 19, 2009

It was not as cold this morning as the weather man said. When I looked out the window at 0700 all I could see was blue sky and sunshine. I got a late start so I did not get home until 1 PM. On Mondays I mow the lawn. I started about 2 and finished at 6 PM. It took longer than usual because I used the edging feature on my weed wacker.

Tonight is cereal night. I had granola with strawberries and blackberries. It was good. Right now I am in my office writing this blog and watching the seasons final show of 24.

May 18, 2009 with Grandmother Hughes in Europe. Grandmother wrote "Versailles, Rueill Church where Josephine and Hortends are buried could not go into the church as there was a funeral. Visit - Chistle (?) of Malmaison which Napoleon gave to Josephine after their divorce and where she lived with her swan daughter. Lunch at Versailles visit the palace and garden. Marie Antoinette lived there with Louis XVI. Grand Trianon Petil, Saint Cloud Sevres, Versailles built by Louie XIII, then added to by Louie XIV. Louie XIV picture in every room. In the evening saw Paris by night". Grandmother was really into French history. The diary was written in pencil and is very hard to read. Grandmother spent a whole page writing about her lunch at Versalles and on the train to Paris. I will not bore you with the details.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG and the Mrs planted 8 rows beans. Cold wind forced GG to quit at 1000. GG went fishing at the Dam. He and David fished from 3 to 5 PM, they caught 4 bull heads, 1 sucker. In the evening the power went out for an hour. In previous blogs I had incorrectly stated that GG and David had caught blue gills. I have figured out GG abbreviation BH stood for bullheads.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday May 17, 2009

It got cold last night but it did not freeze. The alarm goes off at 0656 and Nancy and I head for the MAC for our Sunday swim. We both swam 1500 yards in less than 45 minutes. I filled Nancy's car up at Meijers. Gas was $2.34 per gallon. Although gas had risen $0.25 in the last week it is not expected to go much higher. Apparently there is a glut on the market. Of course for breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.

I took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I loaded up the kayak and paddled around Reeds Lake. I noticed 2 lakeside homes for sale. Maybe the bad economy has hit EGR.

We have not had the heat on in the house in May. This evening it got so cold in our back room that I turned on the electric base board heater. There are frost warnings for this evening but it will reach 80 degrees on Wednesday.

May 17, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is in Paris. She wrote " East side, Palace de Opera, Rue del Paix, shopping district, Statue of Joan of Arc, Marie Antonette, Palace of Justice, sainte chapelle built by Louie IX beautiful glass windows, upper floor for Royalty to worship, hole in wall where Louie XI hid to hear mass. Pantheon where Voltaire and Hugo are buried. Notre Dame when Cardinal dies, his hat is hung in Notre Dame until it turns to dust. Spent evening in room". I wrote exactly what Grandmother Hughes had written in the diary. She had a very busy day. Grandmother had a traveling companion. I think her name was Mrs Manion.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote: cool but pleasant, Mrs and I planted 4 rows of beans and 1 row of pumpkin. Worked in post office in afternoon.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday May 16, 2009

It was dark and gloomy when the alarm went off at 0626. The weather man said it would be sunny and windy today, but when I looked out the window it was appeared to be raining. I wanted to go kayaking but it was too windy. A bike ride might be ok but I was not in the mood. Perhaps a 30 minute swim. I decided that I needed some hot cakes and eggs to help me with my decision. I also bought a NYT. After breakfast it was raining and the wind was picking up. I got home put on my rain coat and went for a walk. Half way through my walk the sun came out. I walked 7 miles in 2h10m.

After a quick shower I asked Nancy what we should do this afternoon. We got in the Aztek and headed for Countryside Green House in Allendale. It was a pleasant drive. The green house was jammed. They had to have the police directing traffic into their facility. The selection was huge. Nancy purchased 4 hanging baskets. Because of frost warning tonight, we stored the baskets in the garage. All this shopping exhausted me so I took a short nap.

This evening Nancy and I dined at Russ'. We had a bowl of soup and a hamburger. For dessert we stopped at McDonald's and each got a hot fudge sundae. At Lowe's Nancy purchased some washed stones for her flower pots. This evening I finished the newspapers and watched a little TV. I got my name in the newspaper. The GR City Commission Minutes mentioned that I had been appointed to the Construction Code Board of Appeals.

May 16, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is seeing the sites in Paris. Grandmother wrote "Visit west side. Tomb of Napoleon. Key is tomb like a cross. Brothers Joseph buried there. Napoleon buried in five coffins, tin, mahogany, lead, ivory and oak. Eiffel Tower, United States Square, Arc De Triumph, Unknown Soldier, President's House".

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG wrote they had a cool west wind. Worked in garden in morning planted corn, peas, carrots, squash, rib squash, radish. David caught a bucket of blue gills.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday May 15, 2009

Is it going to rain or isn't it? That has been the question all day. I took a rain coat and pants with me on my bike ride to the MAC and Kava House. It did not rain. The DFP was filled with stories about the closing of 39 Dodge dealers in MI. It will have a big economic impact on the local communities. The only good news was that the Red Wings won game 7 and now start a series with Chicago.

Before lunch Nancy and I head to Costco. I filled the Aztek with gas. Gas is $2.30 per gallon. The store had a lot of free samples today. Nancy says it is because of all the graduation parties. Anyway it was good. For lunch I had a hot dog. Costco has changed their brand of hot dog. It was a big mistake. After Costco we headed for the Home Depot. Nancy used her gift card from Sasha to purchase some plants. When I got home I loaded up the kayak and headed for Reeds Lake. EGR was having an event near to kayak launch so I could not find a parking spot. I'm sure this was a sign so I came home and took a nap.

Tonight we are staying home. I have been out the last 3 nights. We will read and watch TV.

Grandmother Hughes is visiting Europe this date in 1927. She wrote "reach Cherbourg (France) at noon, reach Paris at 12 PM. (I am assuming Grandmother took a train)

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG wrote "a very pleasant cold day". Uncle John and Aunt Laura took them to lunch at the lodge at Lost Lake Woods. They came home via Lincoln and Harrisville. Remember Aunt Laura is GG's daughter and Uncle John is the mayor of Alpena. They attended church in the evening. 13 people showed up.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday May 14, 2009

Last night some very heavy thunder storms roared through Grand Rapids. This morning when I looked out the sun was up. I love a sunny day after a night of thunder storms. The air is fresh and clean. I followed my normal morning routine ending up at the Kava House. After lunch I checked my email and then decided to take a bike ride. I put on a new pair of riding shorts that Sasha got me for my birthday. It is the first time this year I have worn shorts. I strapped on my GPS and took an hour ride. I rode Hall Street to the East Beltline and rode north on the Beltline to Michigan Ave. I headed back to Hall Street and then rode around Reeds Lake. It was a great day for a ride. It took me 1 hour and I rode 10 miles. Not very fast (10 mph) but fast enough for me.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for our Thursday night dinner. We each ordered a different sandwich. The sandwiches come in 2 sections and we each shared a section. We also talked about our May 23 trip the Alma and what to do with Ms P. We are going to take Ms P with us. She will not be a problem.

This evening I talked to SPS about his July trip to GR. I gave him several options for a trip to Mackinaw Island. I also needed Al's SS number for the college fund. I will need Sasha to get A's SS number as soon as possible.

May 14, 1927, Grandmother Hughes is on the steam ship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmother wrote "Saw Ireland soon after breakfast, reached Queenstown soon after lunch. Ireland, high banks and very green, yellow flowers."

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Cool, average temperature around 50. Drove to Alpena with Julia, Glen and Sister. GG bought some chicken feed. GG gave cousin David $0.50 for fishing tackle. David caught 17 bluegills.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday May 13, 2009

Ah! Wednesday my easy day. Normally on Wednesday, I go for a long kayak trip or a bike ride. However, we are expecting high winds and rain for today. So instead of exercising I have breakfast at the Cheri Inn. After breakfast I head home and since it has not started to rain I go for a 3 mile walk. I then do some research on the computer. At 1130 I head for the MAC for a swim. I swam 1050 yards in 30 minutes.

I ran some errands after my swim. I stopped by the Ada Bike Shop and looked at some 29" bikes. I am thinking of getting rid of my road and street bike and getting a 29". I stop at home and take the blade off the lawn mower. I take the blade to my favorite lawn mower and bike repair shop on Fulton. They sharpen my blade while I wait. I also bought a 26" bike tube for the street bike (retro). The lawn sprinkler people stopped by last week to start up the sprinkler system. They replaced a spray head, so I stopped by their office and paid my bill. I was so exhausted from my errands that I took a short nap.

Today is Nancy's book club so it means pizza and beer with Ed and Tom. Pizza and beer are always good. I did mention to Tom and Ed that this being the 13th reminded me that around this date in 1956 I won a 1941 Ford Jeep in a raffle with the number 13.

May 13, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is aboard the steam ship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmother Hughes wrote "The big dinner party tonight. Fancy dress ball in the evening".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG got 5 rats. (always a hunter in the family) It was Friday and GG wrote that they had a light frost overnight. They planted 1 bu potatoes and GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. It was warmer in the PM.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday May 12, 2009

Another nice spring day in GR. My morning routine followed the same Tuesday schedule. When I got home from the Kava House I noticed that a tree was missing from our planter strip. We had called the City last week and told them that the ash tree looked sick. The City forester said the tree was being attacked by an insect called the ash borer. The City removed the tree this morning.

This afternoon I loaded up the kayak and headed for the Flat River in Lowell. I spent about 1.5 hours on the river. A lot of turtles were out sunning themselves this afternoon. As soon as they see me they drop off the log and into the river. One turtle dropped off a log and got hung up on the Y in a log immediately below it. The turtle's shell was jammed in the y. I paddled over and gave the turtle a shove. It broke free and dropped into the river. My good deed for the day.

As soon as I got home Nancy told me that HH, the husband of Nancy's friend Karen, was on the phone. HH wanted to know if I wanted to get and burger and see a movie that had been filmed in GR. I said yes. The Chili's burger and beer were great but the movie was terrible. Do not see "The Chaos Experiment". I gave it a point on one star or 1/5 of a star.

When I got home I was downstairs reading the newspaper when I heard a noise coming from my computer upstairs. I thought I had a virus acting up but it was only SPS calling me on skype. I turned my web cam on and Nancy and I got to see Alessandra, LA and SPS. I love the web cam and skype.

May 12, 1927 Grandmother Hughes on the steam ship Cleveland heading to Europe. Another nice day. Grandmother bought a ticket to Paris on boat and changed $5 to francs. (Grandmother was not very wordy.)

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Cold north wind. GG picked up trailer load of rubbish & cut with wood machine 4 bu shorts for Mrs (GGM) and 20 bu on porch for Aunt Julia. (I am just typing what I read.)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday May 11, 2009

Believe it or not but there were frost warnings out this morning. It was 40 degrees at our house. Despite the cold, today was sunny and bright. My Monday morning workout is the longest of the week. In addition to my normal routine I do dead lifts and also shave my head. These little additions add about 40 minutes to my workout. It was 1100 when I left the MAC for the Kava House. The DFP today was kind of boring. They had few doom and gloom articles and no scandals to report. They did report on the Red Wings win.

After lunch I drove to the bank to cash in my piggy bank money. I had $143 in coins. After the bank I stopped by Alger Schwinn to see if they had any 29" single bikes on display. $1,600 is a bit pricey for a single speed bike.

At 3 PM I started mowing the grass. It has been only a week since the last mowing but I could not get over how much the grass had grown. It took 3 hours to finish the lawn. After the mowing I get out my electric weed wacker and trimed the edges. Today I ran out of string so I will have to fill the string spool and finish tomorrow. I also have an electric blower so I can blow the grass cuttings off of the concrete. I am totally electric. Bob is green!

Last night at the dinner party we were all asked to tell about the best advice our mothers had given us. My answer was that my mother told me that I would never be happy until I could control my destiny. She said I would be happy if I worked for myself and had a small staff under me. A small staff was no more that 5 people. Mother was right.

May 11, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is on the steam ship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmother Hughes wrote "still nice weather, water like glass. Passed Albert Ballen largest ship of the fleet."

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Cold north wind, froze ice. 3 rats and shot 2, 1 shot last night. We drove to Scott's, AM got some rhubarb. Wild plowed new garden.

Rhubarb is a spring time luxury in Michigan. Tonight Nancy fixed me a rhubarb sauce. It was great. A lot of people say it is a spring tonic.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday May 10, 2009

The weatherman said it would be dark, cool and rainy this morning. When we got up at 0656 it was sunny and bright. Today is Mother's Day but we still head for the MAC and our Sunday swim. Nancy and I both swam 1500 yards. After the swim we head for Meijer's for our weekly supplies. Despite the fact it was Mother's Day Nancy still fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.

This afternoon I took my normal Sunday PM nap. At 4 Nancy and I are going to the Moleski's for dinner. There will be 7 people in attendance. We had kielbasa, fried rice and other goodies. A good time was had by all. Nancy and I got home about 9:30.

Note: I wrote most of the blog on word this afternoon. After returning from the Moleski's I finished the blog. I cut and pasted the blog from word to this document.

May 10, 1927. Grandmother Hughes is still on the steamer, Cleveland, heading for Europe. Grandmother Hughes wrote in her log "Tuesday, lovely weather, water like glass.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Tuesday cold east wind. Planted potatoes in the morning, 3 bu row planted. GG worked in post office in afternoon. Ured gave us 4 trout.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday May 9, 2009

It started to rain early this morning and it was still raining when the alarm went off at 0616. (notice when I set the alarm I alway have 2 identical numbers) I got Nancy up so she could make her 0700 class at the MAC. Because of the rain I decided to go swimming. I swam 1000 yards. After the swim I had breakfast at the Brandywine and read the NYT. It takes me forever to finish just the international section of the Times. Part of the reason is that I am a slow reader and the other is the amount of detail in a NYT story. I think it is a great paper outside of the opinion page.

I have been reading about the new Kindle that is being introduced by Amazon. I think it is a great idea. I would love to down load a newspaper in the morning and then read it with my coffee. I think we all will be carrying a Kindle-like device in the future. I was going to say "near future" but I have always been confused by this term.

After breakfast I came home and finished the NYT. I then started to wrap coins from my piggy bank. I had $143. Nancy had to work at Meijer's Garden so I took a short nap. After the nap the sun was out so I took a 3 mile walk.

For dinner Nancy and I, with all the other old folks, headed to Russ's. We both had a bowl of soup and a double hamburger. I ate 1/2 of Nancy's burger. Nancy's sweet tooth was acting up so we got a hot fudge sundae from McDonald's.

Not much on TV tonight. We watched part of "Back to the Future III". I will watch a basketball game after writing this blog.

This date in 1927 Grandmother Hughes is on the steam ship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmothers only comment was that the ship had a children's party.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Rain, 50 degrees in the morning. GG was home all day. He put up 3 bu of wood and 2 bu pitch. David and sister started school again. GG shot 2 rats with 1 shot. (I assume he was using a shot gun.) GG set 3 traps.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday May 8, 2009

I woke at 0615 with the birds chirping and the sun starting to come up. Spring is great. The only problem with this time of year is figuring out what to wear. When I ride my bike to the MAC it is cool and a jacket is required. When I leave the MAC the temperature has risen 15 degrees and my jacket is no longer required. Decisions! Decisions!

The DFP continues to write about the trials and tribulations of GM. I have been too emotional about GM. I now think GM should have declared bankruptcy when the problem first reared its ugly head.

This afternoon I loaded up the kayak and headed for Gun Lake. I spent almost 2 hours paddling around the lake. When I first put in there were about 15 pickups and boat trailers in the parking lot. Two hours later there were about 30. I know that a fishing boat and trailer costs $25,000. Most of the pickups in the lot were new and full size. The average price for a pickup is about $30,000. Is the economy bad?

This evening Nancy and I drove over to Gaslight Village and had dinner at Olga's Kitchen. I had soup and sandwich and Nancy had soup and a salad. We rate the food at 3.5. We sat outside for this first time this year. It was very pleasant. After dinner we stopped at Kohl's. On our way home I showed Nancy the duplex that Sasha is looking at. It is suppose to be cold and windy tomorrow, so I plan on going swimming instead of a bike ride or kayak trip.

May 8, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is on the steam ship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmother commented that it was Sunday and a little rough.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It is Mother's Day. Aunt Julia called, Aunt Florence, my grandmother, sent a cooked chicken and Aunt Julia and Fern sent flowers. 15 people attended the evening church service.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday May 7, 2009

The days are so nice and long now. It was light out when I got up at 0630 and it was still light at 9 PM. The temperature got to 70 this afternoon. After my exercises I read the DFP. They dedicated most of the issue to Detroit's new mayor, Dave Bing. Mayor Bing is a successful business man and former Piston basketball star. I don't know if he has the stomach for Detroit politics.

After lunch I had to do some chores around the house. One chore was created by clumsy me. I dropped a small container down the sink. The container became lodged in the drain. I had to remove the drain and recover the container. The operation was successful.

For relaxation I loaded up the kayak and headed for Reed's Lake. The parking lot was full so I headed for the Grand River at Ada. The river was so high I could not get my kayak in the water so I ended up at Murray Lake. The lake is fully developed with nice sand beaches and some really expensive homes. I saw 2 muskrats, many turtles and a crane eating a large fish.

This evening, like most Thursday evenings, Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. They did not have their outside dining set up, but I expect next week we can eat outside. Eating outside is one of the pleasures of summer.

May 7, 1927 Grandmother Hughes is aboard the steamship Cleveland heading for Europe. Grandmother only said "it rained a little".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold with a north wind. Uncle Guy cut his load of wood. Wood machine ran good? GG worked in post office in the afternoon. Mrs V sick. Mother's Day tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday May 6, 2009

Busy day. The alarm goes off at 0535. Today is Breakfast Club Day and I have to be at the Women's Civic Club by 0645. Today I sat with 3 retired civil engineers and 3 doctors. The table conversation was very lively. After breakfast club I picked up my blazer from Master Cleaners and then headed for St Mary's Lab. They have to perform another test on me. I ended the morning with a 1000 yard swim at the MAC.

I sat around the house this afternoon waiting for the lawn sprinkler guy to show up and turn on the sprinklers. He showed up at 2:30. I also got the car washed this afternoon.

Nancy and I attended the Meijer's Garden Auction and dinner at the Gardens. I had to wear a tie and blazer. It took a while but I did remember how to tie a tie. Nancy wore a nice dress with green jacket. She looked great and I was very proud. Surprise! Surprise! I knew several people at the auction. Bill and Margie Derooge were in attendance and I told them that their son and SPS were on the same hockey team that I coached. They seemed confused until I told them that I wore a tam. The lady who wrote the book 1,000 places you should visit before you die recently wrote an article for an airline magazine on the top 1000 museums of the world. Meijer's Garden is listed as #13.

May 6, 1927, Grandmother Hughes trip to Europe. The steam ship,, Cleveland left Boston Harbor for Europe. Grandmother Hughes listed her table companions.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was cold in Ossineke. GG and GGM went to the garden in the morning. It was too cold for GGM so they came home. GG planted some potatoes in both the morning and afternoon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday May 5, 2009

The day started normally. After my exercise routine I had coffee and the DFP at the Kava House. Today's DFP had an article on the abuse of the City of Detroit's pension fund by members of the pension board. The pension funds have lost billions but the board member still travelled first class to over 100 conferences. One board member, who is also a council member, traveled to Dubai for a conference. Her business class flight cost $9,000 and she stayed in a $700 a night hotel. She also hired a car and driver to show her around. Will stimulus funds to Detroit be well spent?

I had an early lunch because I had my annual physical at 1. After the physical I had to vote in the local election. I must keep my nearly 100% voting record. After voting I loaded up the kayak and paddled around Reed's Lake. Nancy and I watched NCIS and got really confused. It is to be continued next week.

May 5, 1927, Grandmother Hughes trip to Europe. Grandmother set sail on the Cleveland at 10 AM and arrived in Boston at 7 PM on the 6th.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Mild day GG worked in garden. In morning planted potatoes, peas, beans and lettuce. In the afternoon planted more potatoes.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday May 4, 2009

I slept in this morning. Woke at 0630 and had to hustle to get Nancy her coffee. After my morning routine at home I had to stop by Master Cleaners on my way to the MAC. I need a clean blazer for the Wednesday night party at Meijer's Garden. I wore a hooded sweatshirt on my morning run. It was too much as I was ringing wet when finished. Tomorrow I will run sans the sweatshirt. As usual I had coffee at the Kava House.

This afternoon I cleaned my desk. Several neglected items were taken care of. I got a letter and gift out to the ICU at Mt Pleasant Hospital. I also inspected as best I could a duplex that Sasha was looking at. I finished the day cutting the grass. It took me 3 hours. Dinner tonight was cereal. I am hurrying to finish this blog so I can watch 24 at 9 PM.

May 1927, Grandmother Hughes in Europe.

My Grandmother Hughes was born in 1869 in Alpena, the daughter of James and Eliza McTavish. My Grandfather Hughes, in 1927, ran a successful sawmill in Alpena. The Michigan lumber boom had provided enough money for my Grandmother to travel to Europe. Grandfather Hughes took his own special vacation. He travelled by tramp steamer from NY through the Panama Canal and ending up in Portland, OR the home of his two sisters. I have a copy of Grandmother diary for this trip. The diary starts in Alma where Grandmother was visiting my Aunt Helen prior to her departure. Several entries follow:
  • May 1 leave Alma for Detroit.
  • May 2 leave Detroit, via RR, for NY.
  • May 3 arrive NY Tuesday morning. Spent rest of day in stores.
  • May 4, sightseeing. Visited Grants Tomb, Riverside Drive, Ghetto, mansions of rich and famous, Old Trinity Church.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Heavy rain and thunder storms last night. Drove to Lutheran Church with Julia, Mrs Nuggle, and others. They had dinner at the church. GG worked in post office in afternoon.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday May 3, 2009

Alarm goes off at 0656, Nancy and Bob hustles so they can be first in the pool when it opens at 0800. I swam 1500 yard. After the swim we head for Meijers for our weekly supplies. Nancy said we saved $13 because of coupons and specials. For breakfast Nancy fixes her world famous poached eggs on toast. It being Sunday I have to take my afternoon nap. This is the first time in 2 weeks that I can take a Sunday nap.

After the nap I get my road bike down, strap on the GPS and get ready for a bike trip to Ada. I want to test the single speed on the long hill climb on west bound Fulton. I stick to the bike path along the Beltline and Fulton. The bike paths are very dirty. They should be swept. I was surprised that the long hill climb was not that bad, even with a strong headwind. I only got out of the saddle once. As I was heading south on the Beltline my front tire went flat. Surprise! surprise! I had the equipment to change the flat. It took me about 20 minutes. I was very proud of myself. Next time I should do it in 10 minutes. As I was hanging up my bike another bike fell and caused a deep cut on my arm. Once again I was able to perform emergency first aid.

For dinner we had hamburgers, corn on the cob and a great salad that Nancy fixed. I watched 60 minutes and after I finish this blog I am heading to bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. East wind. GG drove to Alpena with chairs for Julia and Mrs. Noggle. In the afternoon GG hauled 110 bu of leaves. GG had lunch at Louy's.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday May 2, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and I wake Nancy so she can make her 0715 class at the MAC. I buy a NYT and eat breakfast at the Brandywine. After breakfast I start spreading mulch around the flower beds. Nancy joins me and 1 1/2 hours later we finish. We have placed 15 bags of mulch and have 4 bags in reserve. We also decide that winter is over and put the snow shovels up in the garage trusses. I sweep out the garage and put on the front and back screen door. The summer season is upon us.

After lunch I load up the kayak and head for Reeds Lake. I know it is windy but I did not think it would hinder my kayaking. I left the west end of Reeds Lake with the wind at my back. When I get to the east end and head north I realize that the wind is so strong and the waves so big that I cannot go north. I turn the kayak around and head west into the teeth of the wind. I have to aim the kayak directly into the wind so I will not capsize. I finally make it to the launch pad.

I get home, take a shower and then a short nap. Tonight Nancy and Mary are taking their husbands out to dinner to celebrate their April birthdays. We eat at the Spinnaker. The meal was great. We get home at 9 PM. Nancy said that all our work in the yard will make her stiff tomorrow. I agree but we are still going swimming.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Cold west wind. Wildo fitted up the garden picked up dish of worms (?). Glen went to garden in afternoon. Buying milk of Walter Ured. (I am confused, are you?)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday May 01, 2009

Today is errands day. It is also the first time I have ridden my bike to the MAC in 2 weeks. After the MAC I head to the bank to deposit some money in our depleted accounts. I get home and get in the Aztek and drive to the Kava House for a quick coffee. I run the following errands before lunch.
  • pick up side door screen at Modern Hardware.
  • purchase 12 gift cards at Meijers. The cards are for the ICU staff at Mt Pleasant Hospital.
  • check on the price of cypress mulch at Meijer's outdoor center.

I head home and have a quick lunch. My typical lunch consists of a pb&j, hard boiled egg and an apple. I get back in the Aztek and head to JD's to review some plans. I also got to look at her new office in downtown Alto. It looks great. The office will impress clients.

I stop by Lowe's and purchase 9 bags (1 cyd) of mulch. I also stop by the Pontiac dealer to get a valve cap for my new tire. Nancy had identified some areas she wants mulched. I start placing bags in these locations and realize that I do not have enough mulch.

Nancy and I have dinner at Russ'. We have our standard, bowl of soup and a sandwich. We are the youngest people at Russ'. After dinner we stop at Lowe's and I buy another 10 bags of mulch. At home I place the new bags in areas requiring mulch. Tomorrow morning I will spread the mulch. The hockey game is on but I find that hockey in May is not as exciting as hockey in the middle of the winter.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was a mild day and GG stayed home in the morning. In the afternoon they drove to the Wilds. Team coming Monday to plow the garden. Church in evening, 15 in attendance, $5 collected.