Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday March 1, 2009

It was sunny and very cold (10). Does this mean March is coming in "like a lamb"? The alarm goes off at 0645 and Nancy and I hustle to get to the MAC by 0750 so we can be first in the pool and get the best lanes. I swam 1550 yards in 45 minutes. Not very good for an experienced swimmer but good enough for me. After the MAC we head to Meijers for our weekly supplies.

When we get home I take Ms Petunia for a walk around the block while Nancy fixes her world famous poached eggs. I read the funnies and several sections of the newspaper before taking my nap. After the nap I checked my email and then paid the last of my major seasonal bills for yard work. This one was to TruGreen for fertilizer, etc. I took Ms Petunia for another walk around the block and then walked to the post office to mail the TruGreen bill.

I glanced at the TV and saw that M was losing to W. I am surprised by how little I watch sports. I listen to all the guys my age at the MAC and they are avid sports fans. I could care less. Is it the loss of testosterone? I looked testosterone up in my 1956 dictionary and it is "A crystalline androgenic compound, C19H28Os, obtained from the testes of bulls and otherwise".

My neighbor across the street wrote a book on using the Concept II rower. He gave me a copy. I am looking forward to kayaking this year. I use the rowing machine to keep in shape. I did increase the tension on the machine from 3 to 4. Lately I have noticed that my shoulder has been sore, so I will decrease the tension back to 3 and eliminate the backstroke when swimming. I hope this will work.

I am writing this blog before dinner so that I can spend a relaxing evening reading the paper and watching TV. I have very little on my calendar for next week. The weather should be warming up and I will start riding my bikes. The ice will not be off the lakes and streams until after St Patrick's Day. Speaking of St Patrick's Day it is GG's birthday.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was warm and cloudy all day. GG noted that it had been thawing all day. The Blanchards left for Florida today.

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