Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday March 25, 2009

Today is breakfast club. When you have a club of old guys every thing is predictable. As usual, I got to the meeting 15 minutes early. As usual, the same people were already in attendance. I sat at the same 8 place table. The same 7 table mates were also there. The club meeting is held at the GR Women's Civic Club. They have the world's best scrambled eggs.

After breakfast club I checked out the City's free yard waste depot. I went home and got out my new electric chain saw and started cutting up all the big branches I had trimmed. I love my new chain saw. I loaded up the Aztek with the tree limbs and headed for the yard waste depot. I took Ms Petunia with me. I have now completed the spring cleanup of the yard.

I was going to go kayaking but the wind was very strong. Instead I walked around Reeds Lake. My GPS said I had walked 6.5 miles in 1 hour and 58 minutes. I drove Nancy to a paper product sale at the Gallery 19 factory. The sale started at 6 and we completed our shopping by 6:20. We also stopped by D&W so I could purchase a 6 pack.

Not much on TV tonight so I will turn in early. I have a busy day tomorrow. I have an ear doctor appointment at 1040. At 1:30 Nancy and I are getting some shots for our trip to the middle east. The Kent County Health Department is the only place we can get the needed shots.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG did not have much to say. It was partly cloudy with some rain in the PM. GG worked 3 hours at the post office. Hazel went to Alpena and Elinor and Gaylord Murphy went to Bay City to work. The county roads are still bad.

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