Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday March 28, 2009

On Saturdays I set the alarm for 0636. This is the time I have to wake Nancy for her early class at the MAC. On Saturdays I buy a NYT and have breakfast at the Brandywine. This morning was no exception. After breakfast I had to decide what to do for exercise, kayak or bike. This is always a tough decision. This sun was beginning to come out so I decide to go kayaking. This will be my first time in my kayak in 09. I put in at Ada and paddle up the Grand River. I wore my GPS and found that paddling upstream I only travelled about 2 miles and hour. Downstream I averaged 4 miles an hour. I paddled 3 hours.

When I got home I checked my email. I only had junk emails. I think everyone now knows that I am retired. I am out of the loop. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Russ'. After dinner we drove to "Babies R US" so Nancy could look at swings. We also stopped at "Bed, Bath etc" to purchase furniture polish. Not much on TV tonight. I finished the front section of the NYT and the GRP.

Wednesday Nancy is going to Long Beach. She finished packing today. We also talked to Tasha. She called from Chicago where she was waiting for her plane to Germany.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. 32 degrees in morning, 50 at noon and 45 in PM. GG noted they cleaned most of the day. Worked post office in afternoon. Congress passed the Reorganization Bill, 49 to 42 in the senate. GG was given 1/2 dozen smelt. Eward Reinhaetz dipped 25 smelt. (Smelt are small silvery fish that every spring leave Lake Huron and enter small northern Michigan streams to spawn. You catch smelt using a net. The net looks like a butterfly net. The smelt run only lasts about 10 days. The best way to eat smelt is to deep fat fry them.)

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