Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday March 6, 2009

It was 56 degrees at 0700. I think it set a record for this date. My morning routine ended at the Kava House drinking the house blend and reading the DFP. The actions of the Detroit City Council are better than the funny papers. However, things are serious in MI, unemployment is above 11% and according to the DFP GM is in serious condition. The financial writer for the DFP recommended selling GM stock. Nancy and I have 200 shares and we are going to ride it out.

Ms Petunia spent 2 hours at the groomer yesterday in addition to a 1 mile walk. Last night she seemed to have difficulty walking. This morning I touched her rear hips and she appeared in pain. Nancy arranged an appointment with the Vet this afternoon. The Vet gave her a shot and some pills. We are supposed to limit her activity. However, she now seems back to normal.

This afternoon Nancy and I went to the Home and Garden Show at the DeVos Place. After the show we had a burger at the sports bar in the Grand Plaza. It was a great burger.

It is suppose to rain all day tomorrow. I might not be able to take a long bike ride. If it is raining I will run at the MAC (inside track) and then take Nancy out to breakfast.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was cold and windy today, Sunday. GG went to church. 18 folks were in attendance and they collected $5. I hope they did not have a full time pastor because $5 a week would be hard to live on even in 1938. The mayor of Alpena, great Uncle John and great Aunt Laura visited in the afternoon. Great Aunt Laura was noted for her Christmas peanut brittle.

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