Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday March 14, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626. I wake Nancy so she can make her early body pump class at the MAC. I stop by D&W to buy a NYT and then have a bowl of oatmeal at the Omelet Shop. I come home and load up the road bike and head for Riverside Park. I want to ride 30 miles on the White Pine Trail. It was a beautiful day for a bike ride. The trail was crowded with runners and bikers. Many runners wore only shorts. I wore flannel lined pants. As I was heading north out of Rockford I saw Larry of Chuck and Larry fame. Larry had some health issues and his doctor told him to walk. He has lost over 25 pounds and looks good. SPS will remember Larry from his days helping Chuck. The wind picked up on my way home. I was very tired and cold. My GPS told me I had ridden 31.4 miles in 3 hours.

When I got home I took a hot shower and then turned my electric blanket up full blast and took a short nap. I was warm when I got up. Tasha had called Nancy and told her that she is finishing arrangements for her trip to stan. We are happy for her. On the Ms Petunia front I had to take her out 2 times last night. This morning we took a walk of about 0.25 miles. I will gradually increase her walking distances to 0.5 miles.

Tonight Nancy and I are having supper at Russ's. Soup and a burger sounds goods. Tonight I will finish reading the NYT and GRP. I also have several Time magazines that I want to read.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold and windy today. The river was quite high and had flooded Bingham's fill. GG noted that there was lots of foreign news. (I am assuming the troubles in Europe)

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