Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday March 8, 2009

Daylight Savings Time starts. Nancy and I had a rough time getting out of bed at 0655. I did get Ms Petunia out so she could do her bidness. It is still raining and very dark at 0730. I swam my 1500 yards with little pain in my shoulder. I was worried about my shoulder injury because kayaking season is coming soon. With all the warm temperatures we have been having the ice should be off the lakes my the end of next week.

Last week we had some warm weather so the snow on Reeds Lake melted and then froze over night. The surface of Reeds Lake had a mirror finish. I noted several ice boat soaring across the Lake. Conditions were perfect for ice boating.

After the MAC we headed to Meijers for our weekly supplies. The store was crowded. I topped off Nancy's car. Gas was $2.03 per gallon. We continue to use the self check out lane. We are so green we bring our canvas bags.

Nancy, of course, made her world famous poached eggs. I started the newspaper and then took a short nap. I will take a walk after writing this blog. My next project is to get my web cam working. I also have a lot of reading to catch up on. I don't know what I do with my time. But then is this important? I am now listening to the sound track from "O Brother Where Art Thou".

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was 0 in the morning. GG and GGM drove to my grandparents for dinner. Today was Aunt Laura's birthday. She was 56 or 57.

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