Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday March 9, 2009

Boy did I sleep in! I woke at 0630 and had to hustle to get Nancy her coffee. DST makes it really dark. I will use DST as my excuse for sleeping in. The sun comes up at 0815, so I took my time doing my morning routine so I could ride my bike to the MAC in day light. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The DFP's entire front page was dedicated to the visit by the Federal Oversight Committee that is monitoring GM and Dodge. They were stating the case for continued support for the auto makers and the impact (+ and -) their actions will have on the Detroit area.

HH at Northwest Design Group left a message on my voice mail offering me a part time bridge inspection job. When I got home I called HH and told him I was not interested. However, if the economy continues to tank I might need a full time job.

It was about 45 degrees and sunny so I started to do some yard work. A week ago I had trimmed some tree branches and left them in a big pile in the back yard. Today I started cutting the branches into small pieces to place in GR yard waste bags. I filled two bags and then took a 2 mile walk.

Tonight I hope to catch up on some reading. This is the first of the month and our pile of unread magazines is high.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted it was cold and clear all day. He worked at the Post Office for 2 hours. GGmother attended a function at the Methodist Church in Alpena.

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