Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday March 19, 2009

This morning it was below freezing. This is the first time in about a week. I bundled up when I rode the bike to the MAC. The past 2 mornings I have been running outside for 2 miles. Running outside is harder than running inside on a flat track. As usual, I had coffee at the Kava House and read the DFP. I have been trying to lessen my coffee input. I now buy a 16 oz cup instead of a 20 oz. It is the right size because the coffee is finished at the same time I finish reading the DFP.

This afternoon I started raking the front lawn. My goal was to complete the front yard before going to dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I finished at 5:30. I had the French Dip and Nancy had a trip to the salad bar. I fell asleep watching TV so I decided to go to bed early. It is now 8:55 and I will turn in after writing this blog. I got an email from a good high school friend today. It was good hearing from an old friend.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was Saturday so GG was not very wordy. He mentioned that the melting snow had caused river (Devils River) levels to rise. He also let all the chickens out today.

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