Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday March 26, 2009

Today is a busy day. My alarm goes off at 0545. I had to drive the Aztek to the MAC in order to make my 1040 Dr appointment. The ear doctor said I had the same condition that I had on 2 previous visits. He gave me several prescriptions. After the doctor I still had time for coffee and the DFP at the Kava House.

When I got home Nancy and I headed for the Kent County Health Department to get our shots for the visit to Kstan. Nancy needed 2 shots and I needed 1. We both have to take 4 pills over the next several days. After the shots we headed to the civic theater to get tickets for the Friday night performance of the Producers. We also stopped at the bank and drove to Costco to get my prescriptions filled. I got gas at Costco and the price has risen to $2.04 per gallon. Ms Petunia went with us.

Our chores are still not done. Nancy is a neighborhood block captain so we delivered a flier to neighbors on our block. Tonight we are going to GL Shipping for dinner.

I saw several turtles sunning themselves yesterday on my walk. This is a sure sign that spring is here.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was 40 degrees all day. GG noted a cold NW wind. All the snow and ice is gone from Ossineke. The roads must have been bad because GG noted that Uncle Guy was finally able to get through to my grandparents at Hubbard Lake. GGmother put Clark Gardues flower seed in the turf today, 16 lots.

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