Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday March 15, 2009

The alarm is set for 0656 but Ms Petunia has a different idea. At 0630 she starts jumping on my chest informing me that if we don't go outside in a hurry I will be sorry. So outside we go and she does her bidness. The Vet says that the pills Ms Petunia is taking is causing her over active bladder.

Nancy and I head for the MAC hoping that we will be first in the pool so we can select the best lanes. We were, although Nancy eventually had to share a lane. Like most Sundays we finish the morning at Meijers. I fill the Taurus up and paid only $1.88 for gas. Nancy made her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I think today is the Ides of March. Nancy says Ides means middle. All I know was that Julius Caesar was to watch out.

I took my Sunday afternoon nap. I also read a chapter of "Two Years Before the Mast". It takes me forever to finish a book. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. Today was the first day this year that I went outside without a hat. It was 57 degrees and sunny. The ice is almost gone from Reeds Lake. I might be able to put my kayak in by the end of the week. I will not get into the Grand River for several weeks. We have had some serious flooding and the Grand River is in flood stage.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was 30 degrees and sunny. GG noted that they drove to Alpena and extended Dorribie's note + interest 1 month. He paid $100 plus $20 interest. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. It was a busy day at the post office.

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