Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday March 10, 2009

Ms Petunia woke me at 0200. I took her outside and she did her bidness. I slept in again to 0630. I again took Ms P outside, in the rain, and she refused. My rowing time this morning was the slowest this year. I think it is due to DST lag. I put on my rain pants, provided by Tasha, and pedalled to the MAC. My time for the 2 mile run was very slow, 20' 37". Once again because of DST lag.

At the Kava House I spent a long time reading the text messages of the ex Mayor of Detroit. I wonder how they got any work done because they had sent over 6,000 messages in several months. The DFP mentioned that the Fed's Oversight visited GM and Dodge but did not go into details. The juicy text messages between the ex mayor and his girl friend were more important.

After lunch I sat down and read the article in Vanity Fair about Bernie Madoff, or as a reporter for the daily beast called him, MF. Bernie was a piece of work. It is hard for me to fathom how all the smart people got taken in by MF. It makes great reading.

It has rained all day and I should have completed some items on my to do list. I did not do 1 item. My to do list consists of the following:
  1. Read my stack of mail.
  2. Get my web cam to work. I have down loaded Skype.
  3. Draw up my family tree. I have all the info except for the Scott family.
  4. Read my back issues of magazines.
  5. Play with my GPS so I locate a landmark by latitude and longitude.
  6. Frame some family photos.
  7. Find an interesting weekend car trip for Bob and Nancy.

I am writing this blog early so I can go on a 3 mile walk. After dinner I want to read another article on the hedge fund that lost several billion in MF's scam. I will also watch NCIS. Last night I watched 24. I am getting hooked.

Ossineke, MI this day in 1938. GG noted it was cold with an east wind. (along Lake Huron an east wind usually means bad weather is coming) He planted 3 rows of potatoes. (isn't this early?) In the PM he mentioned that Ured gave him 4 trout.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It certainly is an impressive to do list.