Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday March 3, 2009

Boy was it cold this morning, 7 degrees. However, the sun was out and the sidewalks are ice free. After finishing my at-home routine, I bundled up, got out the retro and pedalled to the MAC. It felt good. A bike is a very efficient way to travel. After the MAC I pedalled to the Kava House for coffee and the Detroit Free Press. It is very discouraging reading the DFP. The Detroit City Council has make some very bad decisions that are costly to the City. They then expect the State of MI to bail them out.

Nancy got out early from her meeting with a vendor for the gift shop, so we headed for Costco. Costco has changed their brand of hot dogs. Sasha does not like the new dogs. I tried a dog today and left a note with Costco saying they should go back to the old dogs.

I walked Ms Petunia around the block and then took a nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. We are having rotisserie chicken for dinner. Tonight is a good TV night. I hope unlike last week I can stay awake. The nap should help.

Nancy and I have been watching the stock market tank. We hope that in several years the market will return to health. I don't know how to solve the economic problems. The AIG mess is very confusing. I do think that the Democrats are trying to get their social agenda into law and using "saving the economy" as their excuse.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The economy was bad in 1938 but GG does not comment on any hardships they had to endure. He did note that they got 6" of snow and he worked in the post office in the afternoon. GGmother attended the "Friendly Circle" meeting.

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