Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday March 2, 2009

It was very cold this morning, 7 degrees. After my morning routine at home, Nancy and I head for the MAC. It was 0800 and the sun was very bright (a sure sign of spring). We finished about 1015 and then headed for the Dr's office. The Dr told Nancy that everything was super.

After lunch I took Nancy's car to the Ford dealership to get an oil change. While waiting I was drinking a coffee and feel asleep spilling the coffee on my lap. Wet pants are not enjoyable. Since the car had not been driven in two weeks I drove the car to Lowell and back.

I was going to take Ms Petunia for a walk but she did not like the cold and refused to leave the house. I took a 3 mile walk. I had not checked email on my computers since Saturday. The laptop had 172 emails, the new computer had 2. I am now watching 24 on my office TV.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was warm 38 degrees in the AM but at noon the temperature had dropped to 16 with light snow. Julia and family visited Alpena.

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