Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday March 23, 2009

It was very cold and windy this morning. Wind chill was in the teens. I bundled up real good for my ride to the MAC. The DFP continues to write about the troubles at GM. It does not appear to be getting better.

After lunch and before starting any yard work I decided to call my high school buddy Tom. Tom has been retired about 6 years and is renting a house on 2nd Ave in Alpena. We talked about 1 hour. Tom filled me in on his work since leaving high school. The last 12 years before retiring Tom was a long haul truck driver. He visited all 48 lower states. It was fun talking about the olden days. After my conversation with Tom, Ms Petunia and I drove to Home Depot. I bought an electric chain saw. I worked in the yard for about 1 hour and then took at 3 mile walk.

I just took some pictures of Nancy, Bob and of course Ms Petunia. I emailed the photos to Tasha. Tonight I have to watch 24 at 9 PM.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Thunder storms and rain in Ossineke today. GG noted that the radio worked fine all day. The snow and ice are mostly gone. Uncle Guy continues to get stuck on his rural mail route.

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