Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday March 24, 2009

The temperature this morning was 37 degrees with wind speeds of 30 mph. The winds lately have been out of the east. This is not the normal wind direction. After the DFP and coffee at the Kava House I headed home. My goals this afternoon are to finish raking the yard and finish cutting up and bagging the small limbs that I trimmed earlier this spring. I accomplished both.

We got our taxes from the accountant this afternoon. We do not have to pay as much as last year. Nancy and I had to sign a 8899 (8989?) and send it back so that the accountant could file electronically. Since I had to mail the 8899, I also paid some bills including renewing LAS's subscription to National Geo for Little Kids. I walked to the Post Office to mail the letters.

I downloaded some photos of Ms Petunia and emailed them to Tasha. Tonight we are having Cornish hen for dinner. Last night I watched 24 and think that Jack will die in the last episode. Tonight we will watch NCIS at 8 PM. I have breakfast club tomorrow so I will go the bed right after NCIS.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG drove to Alpena in the morning. He took cousin Glen. GG bought a license for his trailer. It cost $2. The temperature hovered around 40 all day.

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