Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday March 30, 2009

0555 I hear a ringing. I check the clock and the alarm has not been set. I hear the mystery ring several more times and finally realize that it is the phone. Nancy picks it up and it is Tasha.

It was very cold this morning. The wind chill was in the teens. However, like most of March it was a bright sunny day. The days are getting longer because my ride to the MAC was in full daylight. Today is the first day of the DFPs new policy of no home delivery. To mark the day the paper was free at the Eastgate Pharmacy. I read my free paper and had my coffee as usual at the Kava House. I spoke to an old acquaintance at the Kava House and we talked about BO forcing out the Chairman of GM. I think it is bad policy when the Feds start running auto companies. I am rethinkinf my feelings on the bailouts. Perhaps the best policy would have been to let all the banks and car companies go belly up. It would be painful for a short time but the changes that had to me made would be made. No halfway solutions. I look at the clowns in congress grandstanding before the TV cameras and I get so mad. They could care less about the good of the people. They just want their agenda.

On a brighter note, I am happy that MSU made the final four. The games will be played in Detroit and Michigan deserves some good news. Also tonight I get to watch 24. I have only been following the last four episodes and do not know if this is the 24th hour. I will find out tonight.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was warm in Ossineke, 42 degrees in the morning. GG and GGM took Julia and Mrs Jordan to Alpena. GG bought 200 scratch and 100 mash (I think the units are pounds. Scratch and mash I think are chicken feed). He also got 4 quarts of maple syrup.

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