Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday March 22, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656 and Nancy and I hustle to get to the MAC by 0800. We want to be first in the pool so we get the good lanes. Both Nancy and I swam 1500 yards. At Meijers I filled up the Taurus. Gas was $1.96 per gallon.

I took my usual afternoon nap and then worked in the yard for about 1 hour. I have approximately 2 more days of yard cleanup. The spring yard cleanup is the hardest part of yard work. I also took a 3 mile walk. Today was another sunny day. I cannot remember a March where we have had so much sunshine. It is great.

As I was filling up the car this morning I thought that self service gas is relatively new. Until the mid 1960s gas stations had an attendant to fill you up, clean your windshield, and check your oil. A lot of my friends in high school liked to get a job in a gas station. Your duties included routine maintenance, fixing tires and of course filling up cars. In slow times the owner let you put your car, usually a junker, up on the rack so you could work on it. It was great training. The other benefit was you got to meet a lot of girls.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was very warm, the temperature reached 80. The radio reception was very bad with a lot of static. (caused by atmospheric conditions). GG had the car lubed, it cost $1. Also fixed the trailer tine. He worked in the post office in the PM. Uncle Guy got stuck 2 times on his mail route.

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