Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday February 28, 2009

Saturday we sleep in until 0616 and then we take Ms Petunia out to do her bidness. It was cold this morning about 10 degrees. Nancy has to be at the MAC for her 0700 body pump class. I took a 4.2 mile (7K) walk which in completed in a record time of 56 minutes. After Nancy finished her workout we head for Arnie's for breakfast. Of course we use our super duper coupon. We we got home I took Ms Petunia around the block. I took a short nap this afternoon.

It was such a nice day I took Ms Petunia on another walk, this one was about a mile. She handled it quite well. I got the road bike out and went on a short ride. The snow is almost all gone.

This evening we have dinner at Russ's. We had soup and a double meat burger. At home I had a bottle of hard cider (pear) that a neighbor left after the party. The cider was good but beer is better. I watched the end of an old Clint Eastwood western and then Blazing Saddles. The version I am watching has been edited to be politically correct.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold (0) and the plant in the window froze. GG noted that it being Monday GGmother was doing the laundry.

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