Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday February 20, 2009

We had a trace of snow over night. However, we are expecting 4"-8" tonight. Nancy and I headed to the MAC at 0800. I finished around 0930 so I walked over the D&W and had coffee and read USA Today. I walked back to the MAC at 1130 and Nancy and I headed home. Today Kim was cleaning the house. Nancy wanted to talk to Kim about supplies, etc. We then headed for the Rivertown Mall in Grandville. We ate lunch at Panera Bread.

After lunch Nancy said she need 1.5 hours to shop so we arranged a meeting place. I walked around the Mall and spent some time in Barnes and Nobel reading about Windows Media Center. I also looked at a book called the Dog Encyclopedia. I haven't decided what kind of dog I want but it must be under 30 pounds.

At our meeting place Nancy said she wanted to show me some things she might purchase. She had noticed a pair of gold loop earrings that were 60% off. I liked them and convinced her that it was a good purchase. She then showed me some dinner ware for our kitchen. We have been looking for about 3 years for a set that would look good in the new kitchen. We also purchased the dinner ware.

On our way home Tasha called. I could hear petunia in the background and asked what she was doing home. Tasha stated she had several vacation days that she had to use or she would lose them. Tasha also stated that she would be leaving for Kazakstan within a month to see her new baby.

As we pulled into Mackinaw Road we saw a red car in our drive. It was Tasha's VW. She fooled us! Tasha also got a call from her agency and they informed her that the date for Kazakstan had been moved forward 2 weeks. She will leave in 2 weeks. Petunia will stay with us. In celebration we had Big Bob Pizza for dinner. Tomorrow we are going to the Beltline Bar for dinner. We all spent a quiet evening in front of the TV.

This week GM announced that they are getting rid of Pontiac. I have an Pontiac Aztek and love it. My dad always drove Pontiac's. Some of my fondest memories are of Dad and I driving down US 23 on a warm summer evening with the windows open and listening to the Tiger's game on the radio. He always drove the Pontiac to its maximum speed. We were usually going to some County Road Commission meeting. Dad would make his presentation while I waited in the car. After the meeting we usually got a hot fudge sundae. Life was good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that his daughter Laura and her husband John called in the morning. He did not mentioned that they stayed for dinner. It was cold all day, 10 degrees, but no snow.

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