Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday February 27, 2009

Friday is a busy day. Up at 0555, take Ms Petunia out to do her bidness, and then Nancy and I head for the MAC. It was raining so I feared our driveway icing over before Friday's TGIF party. I got done before Nancy so I head for Modern Hardware to buy some deicing salt and then back to the MAC to pick her up.

At 2 PM we visit the funeral home to pay our respects to Mrs Henry's family. She was a grand lady.

At 4 PM we made the final cleanup before the party. I take Ms Petunia for her third and final walk. She will spend the evening down stairs in her cage.

At 6 PM the first neighbors arrive. We had about 60 neighbors over for the TGIF. It was very enjoyable. All the neighbors were very happy that the planning commission had approved the plan for the new school. Property values should stabilize and may even increase. After everyone left Nancy and I cleaned up and washed all the wine glasses. Actually, the neighbors were very tidy and we had little cleanup to do. We were in bed by 1100.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Sunday and GG stayed home all day. GG noted that he sold a lot on the Oat Patch to Edward Schuske for $5.

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