Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday January 31, 2009

We woke at 0630 and got ready for breakfast at the Comfort Inn which opens at 0700. The breakfast was pretty good. I had scrambled eggs and french toast. After breakfast we headed south. At about 650 miles from GR we ran out of snow. I added another star to my state list when we entered VA. As soon as we entered NC, another star, we headed southeast towards Myrtle Beach. The trip today was interesting. I enjoyed the mountains in WV. In NC we drove through Winston-Salem and then entered the flatlands. Most of the drive through southern NC and SC was on two lane roads. I enjoyed driving through the small towns.

We had some difficulty finding PandD's because they were in North Myrtle Beach and not Myrtle Beach. However, we did find their condo and it is very nice. We had a very nice dinner and spent the evening in conversation.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made it safely and added a couple more states to your collection.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Sasha said.