Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday February 16, 2009

I slept in this morning. No snow overnight but it was cold. I had several errands to run so I did not go to the MAC this morning. I ran my errands and then went to the MAC in the afternoon. The afternoon crowd is different than the morning crowd. More retired guys and some local college kids working out after class. As I was leaving I ran into Rita Kirkwood. She was in good spirits and said she was taking one day at a time. She plays tennis every Monday afternoon.

I have been putting out corn for the squirrels. I have given up keeping them out of the bird feeder so I just give them their own food. It seems to be working except I buy $5 worth of corn a week.

Both Nancy and I are tired so we are going to bed early this evening. Nancy is watching "House" and I am blogging.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG must have the winter blues. His entries are very short. It was cold, 10 in the morning and 18 in the afternoon. There was a church dinner at Bob Blanchards. GG stated "Mrs and I drove over".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa Nelly!!! Did I miss something here? This is the first I'm reading about a Mrs. I thought GG was widowed or something along those lines.