Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunday January 31, 2009

Nancy and I slept in until 0700 and then took a long walk on the beach. The beach is very long, flat and solid. It is a great beach for walking. It was windy and cool this morning. I wore my pea coat and gloves. We walked 3.25 miles. I know because I measured it on goggle earth.

PandD's coffee grinder broke so Nancy and I went to the local IGA and bought a grinder. They had a deli so we also purchase coffee.

In the afternoon I took another walk on the beach. It was 20 degrees warmer than this morning. I walked about 4 miles.

Today is the super bowl. P cooked a ham so we had ham, asparagus, and rice for dinner. I also had several beers. I wanted AZ to win. The game was great. It was one of the more exciting games I've seen. After the game we headed to bed.

The area along the beach is heavily developed. We noted many places for sale. Myrtle Beach is a summer resort area unless you are a snow bird from the north. No snow and 50 degrees is a big improvement over shovelling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're having fun.