Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday February 13, 2009

I slept in until 0630 this morning. Luckily I had made the coffee last night so Nancy did not have to wait too long for her morning joe. I looked out the window and the pavement was dry. I got out the old retro and for the first time this year I rode my bike to the MAC. It was great. A bike is a very efficient machine. I walk 3 mph, run 6 mph and ride my bike 12 mph. It is a time saver and does not require the energy of walking or running. I rode to the Kava House and read the DFP and had a cup of coffee. The Kava House was voted GR's best coffee house.

After the KH I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed for Costco to buy some supplies for the upcoming OHNA neighborhood party to be held at our house. I also restocked my beer supply. Bud Light is $0.60 per bottle at Costco. This is the cheapest price in GR. Gas at Costco was $1.87. After Costco we went to a party store for some name tags and then to Kohl's for a wine bottle opener.

I finished the afternoon off with a 1.5 mile walk. I did spend some time on the computer watching some of those short videos you find on some web sites like the "daily beast". We stayed in this evening and I had a couple of ham sandwiches and Nancy had a ham and cheese omelet. Not much on TV so I continue playing with my computer and reviewing the family material that Tasha sent me.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday. Freezing rain kept GG and GGmother home. They listened to the radio all day. GG mother's maiden name was Harriet Lorreta Roberts. She was born in Alabama, New York, February 1, 1857. She lived to be 94. I have an extensive history of the Roberts family. Men in the Roberts family were soldiers in the Revolution and Civil Wars.

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