Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday February9, 2009

Another warm day. The snow and ice on the sidewalks is almost gone. This morning I followed my normal routine. I was surprised by how busy the MAC is at 0900. I had to park in back. Usually a space is available in front of the building. Maybe folks are foregoing winter trips to warm climes because of the economy. After the MAC I ran several errands, the bank and post office. The Post Office as usual was crowded. The Eastown PO is always crowded despite the fact that the employees are all graduates of the PO's rudeness school.

I called RW at SCECO and arranged to come in this PM. I also dropped my road bike off at the shop to have coaster brakes installed. At SCECO I talked to RW and D about the Charlton Park project. Also had conversations with ER and FD. I enjoy retirement but one thing I miss is talking with young folks. I am sure productivity drops when I drop in. I think I am like my dad who always liked to stop by the office just to get the gossip. My grandfather always said it took years of selective breeding to get a good bs artist but he thought they had succeeded when they got me.

After SCECO I took a 3 mile walk. The pavements were dry so I wore low cut shoes. It felt good.

We are having a quiet evening at home. As I write this blog I am listening to the sound track from "O Brother Where Art Thou". I am not watching BO's press conference. I have followed the stimulus package debates. All the experts say we must do something. I have two suggestions.

  1. Reduce the defense budget by bringing home all troops overseas. I mean bring them home immediately.
  2. Raise the gas tax ($0.35) and pay for transportation projects with proceeds from the tax.

I think tomorrow I will email my suggestions to our senators and representative. They must hate retired folks who have time on their hands.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The thaw continues. GG commented that the roads were very icy. It was too warm to put up ice products. I think GG had an ice house but I think electric refrigerator were available. It is hard to imagine a member of my family not having the latest appliance.

I often wonder were GG got money for living. He had been retired for several years. Social Security was not available in 1938. He probably had paid cash for his house and had no debt. They had a garden, chickens and a cow so they did not have to purchase many food stuffs. Taxes were low. However, my grandmother told me that GG was a dreamer and had a lot of ideas that did not pan out. He thought peanuts could grow in northern MI so he ordered 1000 plants and they all froze the first winter. He was going to raise sheep and ordered 100 special New Zealand sheep. When the sheep arrived at the RR station, GG opened the door and the sheep ran away, never to be found. After his death in 1938 my Dad found barrels of useless Oil and Gold stocks in the basement. Maybe he had saved money when his sawmill was operating.

GG, however, was an active citizen he founded the Ossinke Chamber of Commerce, served on the Alpena County Road Commission and served two terms in the MI legislature. He was a willing participant in all organizations. He was like my dad, he never turned down a request to serve on a committee or help with a community project.


Anonymous said...

This is a nice long post - with lots of good history included.

Anonymous said...

don't forget he skinned betsy.. so he probably got money for betsy's luxurious hide.