Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday February 22, 2009

I set the alarm early this morning because I knew we would have to shovel snow. Sure enough we got about 1.5" last night. Nancy and I finished in record time. The pool was crowded this morning. I swam 1550 yards. After the MAC we headed home because Tasha had to leave early for Cleveland. She has a lot of work to do before she leaves for stan. Tasha wanted Nancy's world famous poached eggs on toast so that is what she got. After Tasha left we headed for Meijers. I filled up the Aztek with super gas. Super gas was $1.99 per gallon.

I took my usual Sunday afternoon nap and then went for a 2 mile walk. A lot of sidewalks are still not shovelled. This evening Nancy is fixing beans and rice, a favorite of mine.

In the late 1940's my family (mom, dad, sister and me (I?)) would every Sunday visit my grandparents at their Hubbard Lake farm. We always stayed for supper. The menu consisted of soft boiled eggs, home made bread and a canned fruit sauce that my grandfather would get out of the root cellar. The soft boiled eggs were eaten out of the shell. The eggs were placed in an egg shaped cup, the top was cut off and then we would spoon out the inside. The meal was quite good.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG mentioned the turmoil in Europe about Hitler. GG and GGM drove to Hubbard Lake for supper with my grandparents. They got 2" on snow.

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