Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday February 7, 2009

For the first time in about 2 months we woke up to temperatures above freezing. I bought a NYT and headed to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had my standard fare, 2 eggs over easy, 1 buttermilk pancake, and English muffin toast. After breakfast I drove to Horrick's to purchase some critter feed for the squirrels.

It was such a nice day I did not need to bundle up. I wore a hoody and walked around Reeds Lake, a distance of 7.25 miles. I took a short nap and then started reading all my mail. I didn't get very far because I ended up playing computer games. I will have to delete all the games.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Russ's for soup and a sandwich for me and soup and a salad for Nancy. The place was crowded. Nancy said Russ's was crowded because it was inexpensive. I say it was because it was such a nice day everyone wanted to get outside.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It turned cold and Ossineke had 1" of snow overnight. GG drove to Alpena. He had Alex's money and purchased 300 scratch (?), 100 Oyster shells and paid $5. They were home by noon.

I got my 30 in, did you? Notice the days are getting longer.

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