Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday February 17, 2009

No snow last night. Prior to going to the MAC I drove Nancy to Blodgett Hospital. She had to work at the Gift Shop's annual clearance sale. After the MAC I drove to Best Buy to purchase a web cam. The web cam we have does not work with windows vista. I will put the old web cam back on Nancy's computer. We can watch each other play games on the computer.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I was told that this time of year is the best time to trim trees. I trimmed the blue spruce in the front yard and back yard. I have a huge pile of branches in the back yard. The city will not pick up yard waste until the first of April. I will rent a saw next week to cut up all the big branches. I cannot do yard work this week because we have a big snow storm coming our way.

I told Nancy to call me when the sale was over. I missed the call and she walked home. I was glad it was a beautiful day.

This evening the OHNA met at our home. Nancy made coffee and cookies. The big neighborhood issue is the demolition of the old OHHS and the construction of a new Christian school. All of the neighbors who live in the area approve of the plan. It will be a major asset for the area and will protect our property values. Some folks who do not live in the neighborhood do not want the old school demolished. They say it is historic. The GR Planning Commission will take up the Christian Schools application next week. Nancy and I will write a letter to the Planning Commission asking that they approve the application.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG only noted that it was warm and icy.

I am sitting in my office watching TV. Nancy is downstairs watching TV. In 1956 it was unheard of for a family to have more that 1 TV. We purchase our first TV in 1953. We had a huge antenna attached to the side of the house. The antenna had a motor that would rotate the antenna for better reception. The reception on the best of days was terrible. It was not until we got cable TV in 1957 did I realize that snow was not normal TV background.

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