Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday February 3, 2009

Nancy and I got up and were going for a beach walk when we noted PandD were also up. We all headed for IHOP. There is nothing like a hot cakes for breakfast. After breakfast Nancy and P went shopping. I went for a two hour walk. It was cool but the beach is a great walking beach. I was walking along the beach when I note several people looking out to sea. A pair of dolphins were fishing about 50 yards off shore. It was a great viewing experience.

After lunch I took a short nap. Nancy mentioned that she wanted to go through the Shenadoah Valley on our way home. I checked google maps and found that we can make this trip very easily. So tomorrow we will head north. Our trip will take us through Wilmington, NC and Richmond, VA. We will then head west to the Shenandoah Valley (I 81). We will take I 81 to I 70. I 70 will take us to Wheeling, WV and then to Armstrong Mills, Ohio.

This evening we all went out to dinner. The restaurant was called "Filet's". We are now sitting in the condo and watching NCIS. It is easy to get your 30 in when a long sand beach is right outside your door.


Anonymous said...

What you went to IHOP when Denny's was giving free Grand Slam breakfasts today ????

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the snowbelt.