Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday February 15, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656. This time of year the first thing we do is look out the window to see if we have to shovel snow. We lucked out today. So far this year we have had 99.1 inches of snow. Our average is about 80 inches. Sunday is swim day. This morning the pool was crowded and we had to share a lane. The New Year's resolution people have not given up yet.

After the swim we head to Meijers for our week's food stuff. Our purchases this morning included honey nut cheerios, yogurt, bread (multi grain) and vegetables. Nancy used coupons so we saved $17.

Of course for breakfast Nancy made her world famous poached eggs on toast. I took a short nap and then went for a 3 mile walk. Last Sunday I got hooked watching a TV show called XIII. It concludes tonight, 9-11. I am writing the blog early so I can watch the show.

Tasha sent me a lot of good family history. I am going to use Autocad, a computed aided drafting system, to plot the family tree. I haven't figured out the best way to draw it up. Should I plot the maternal and paternal tree together or separately?

I have a lot of data on the Hughes (mother) and my paternal grandmother but not much on the Scott family. I am also trying to find a great uncle James McTavish. He was born in Alpena in 1870 and was a captain on a great lakes ship. I have gone to several web sites like "" but have not been able to find a mention of James McTavish.

When I was a boy going to the movies was very popular. It cost $0.12 to attend a double feature until I was 12 and then the price increased to $0.25.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was very cold, zero degrees. GG noted that flooding in southern Michigan had diminished. GG worked in the Ossineke Post Office in the afternoon.

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