Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday February 8, 2009

Yes folks it did not snow last night. In fact it did not freeze. The snow is rapidly disappearing. I might get my bike out next week. Sunday is swim day. The pool was crowded. Maybe the New Year's resolution people are lasting longer than normal.

We talked to Dr Schwaderer and his wife this morning at the MAC. They have been regulars at the MAC this winter. One of their sons, Chris, was in Tasha's class at OHHS. Their youngest son was a senior on the tennis team when SPS was a freshman. They seem in good health and always ask about Tasha. We asked why they had not headed for warmer climates? They are waiting for their young son to have his tonsils out. He lives in Carlsbad, CA and is single. After the operation they are heading to CA to help with his recuperation.

We purchased our week supplies at Meijers. Lately we have been using the self checkout machines. It is much quicker than a cashier.

After my nap I paid some bills. In February I have to pay my annual bills for the sprinkler system and fertilizer applications. I walked to the Post Office to mail the bills.

I am watching 60 minutes in my upstairs office. PM just called and wanted to chew out her sister. It appears PM is hooked on the computer game "bookworm".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild day. GG cleaned the Ice House. He also sent a check to the Power Company for Alex Elson. He wrote Alex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it back safe and sound. I have been reading regularly now (even from FL).