Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday February 25, 2009

This is breakfast club day. The official name of the club is "Breakfast Club of Grand Rapids Early Risers". The club starts at 0700. They always have good food. This morning I had scrambled eggs, waffles and a sweet roll. The meeting is held at the GR Women's City Club. Every session they have a speaker. This morning's speaker talked about a GR area program for keeping seniors with health problems in their home.

After the meeting I came home and walked Ms Petunia around the block. I called up goggle earth and measured the distance around the block. It is 1/2 mile. At 1130 I head for the MAC for a swim. The pool was crowded but I did not have the share a lane. I swam 1100 yards. After the swim Nancy and I went to the teacher's credit union, the dollar store and D&W for blueberries. I don't know why but, lately, I get very tired in the afternoon. This afternoon was no exception. I took a short nap. It has been raining all afternoon.

Tonight is cereal night. Nancy has oatmeal and I have honey nut cheerios. Of course we put blueberries on the cereal. Not much on TV tonight so I might go to bed early and read.

I checked the newspaper headlines at the store. Most headlines were favorable of the president's speech last night. I have some problems with the stimulus package. However, I don't have a better idea. Only time will tell if the programs are a success.

As I shaving this morning I was thinking what great improvements have been made in razors in my lifetime. The old razor blades would last about 2 shaves. They were not very sharp so you always nicked yourself. In the 60's the stainless steel blade was developed. It was great and would last for many shaves. The new Gillette Fusion is great. I love progress.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The weather was mild, 30 all day. GG drove to (Banired Cli Twp Tawas?) to pay taxes. The taxes were $9.00. He also had a new tire put on the car at Coutirnes and put 5 gallons of gas in the tank, $1.25.

Must leave to see what fire trucks are doing at the end of Mackinaw?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blog more on ms. petunia, please.