Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday February 10, 2009

We woke up to another sunny warm day. The temperature got to 60. This is a record. I had to take my car in today to get an oil change. I left it off at the dealer then walked to the MAC. After the MAC I walked back to the dealer to get my car. I then drove to a car wash on 28th Street. This is special Tuesday, $5 car wash and free vacuum. When I got home I took Nancy's car for the same wash. We have a lot of exposed grass. Tomorrow it is suppose to be warm and rainy. This weekend we will get back to normal February weather.

This afternoon I spent some time on the computer looking up data on Armstrong Mills, OH and Sanborn, NY. I did find out the GG's grandfather was one of the founders of Sanborn, NY. GGGG (I always wanted to do that) was a Methodist preacher. I don't think he ever made it to Sanborn Township, MI. I think Sanborn Township was named after GG's father, Lee (GGG). Family lore has it that GGG's first name is a family name. The Lee name is the same family as Robert E. Lee.

I could find no data on Armstrong Mills history. I think that Sasha has some information and I will contact her this weekend.

I spent some time on google earth tracing the flow of the St Lawrence River from Lake Ontario to the Gulf of St Lawrence. I wonder is this a good canoe trip? Do Atlantic salmon migrate up the St Lawrence to Lake Ontario? I could find no obstacle to stop them.

Tonight is a good TV night. We watch NCIS at 8 PM and then the Mentalist at 9 PM. However, I think I will watch the 9 PM show in bed. The rapidly changing temperatures have given me a touch of the flu. I want winter to have steady temperatures below freezing. I think cold weather is healthy and fluctuating temperatures unhealthy.

Nancy called up this afternoon to tell me that SI's swimsuit issue had arrived along with the GR Press. You know you are getting old when you read the newspaper before SI.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The thaw has ended. It was cold in Ossineke, 10 degrees at noon. GG friend Alex visited and GG gave him his money from the power company. Mrs McLaugaton called and GG gave her an affidate (?). GG writing is sometimes hard to read. I don't think GG had much formal education. He was born in 1856 and I think most men did not go past the third grade.

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