Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday February 2, 2009

Happy Ground Hog Day. We get 6 more weeks of winter. We always get 6 more weeks of winter. Nancy and I started the day with a 3.25 mile walk on the beach. It was much warmer today. Most of the walkers on the beach were seniors.

After breakfast I took the Aztek to get it washed. It is no longer white. Nancy and P went shopping. I was a little tired so I reclined and 2 hours later I woke. After the nap I took another walk on the beach. This evening we had ham sandwiches and beer. It was great.

Presently we are watching a BB game on TV. At 9 PandD want to watch 24. It is one of their favorites. Tomorrow we are going out to breakfast and dinner. Wednesday we will start home. We are stopping at Armstrong Mills, Ohio on our way home. I got my 30 in did you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are blogging while on your trip.