Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday February 11, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0545 and I have to hurry to make the 0700 Breakfast Club meeting. I am beginning to meet more members. I am one of the youngest. There are about 5 members who were in the Navy many years ago. I asked them if they knew their service number. Everyone responded in seconds. Some things you just don't forget.

After the meeting I tried loading some software on my computer. Both efforts were unsuccessful. It is frustrating.

At noon I headed to the MAC for a short swim (1100 yards). The pool was crowded. I also had to visit the PO to mail a package to Sasha. I got an email from my sister today regarding some questions I had about GG and his family. HC could not recall any names.

This evening Nancy had book club. TM and I met for pizza and beer. We solved all of the world's problems in short order. It is amazing how lucid one gets after several beers.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted the temperature was 20 in the morning and 28 in the afternoon. He said Walter put up 72 callis (?) of ice today. (I think they cut ice from a lake) GG also said that Jeb and Jas Vhelped gave Meria $5.00 (?). (Nancy and I had a tough time figuring out what GG wrote and I don't think we got is right)


Anonymous said...

What, no reference to the Michigan-Michigan State game Tuesday night?

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are some numbers you just don't forget. For example, I'll never forget Sasha's social security number. It will do wonders for me when I'm in a 'hostile situation'.