Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday February 12, 2009

It rained all day yesterday. This morning the rain had stopped so I walked to the MAC. The sidewalks along the entire route were dry. Tomorrow I will take my bike, if it doesn't snow tonight. After the MAC I walked to the Kava House. Because of all my walking I did not get home until 1 PM. I took a short nap and then downloaded more CDs to my hard drive. I also checked in on some of the online (1 word or 2) news sources. I read the NYT, DFP, Alpena News, Huffington Post, daily beast and google's news reports. I am becoming more adept at using the web as a resource center.

This afternoon I started reviewing some family data that Tasha had sent me. She was provided this information by my father. One of the most interesting things is the marriage license of my maternal grandparents. They were married in 1895. Grandfather Hughes was 40 and grandmother was 27. I was told that my grandmother actively pursued grandfather, a successful lumberman. Actually the marriage license states that grandfather was a sawyer. A sawyer was one of the most important positions in a sawmill. He was responsible for getting the most sawn lumber out of a log. I do know that he later purchase the mill where he worked.

For readers of this blog please note that my grandfather Hughes was older than my GG Sanborn. GG Sanborn was born in 1856 and grandfather was born in 1855.

My maternal GG McTavish was born in 1832, in Campbeltown, Scotland. If you look up Campbeltown on google earth you will see that it is located 25 miles from Northern Ireland. GG McTavish was a doctor and he graduated from the Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute in 1866. You can get more details on the CEMI by going to goggle. I once asked my mother why GG was not in the Civil War and she stated that GG was from Canada.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Thursday is a poor TV night so I will go to bed early to finish "Two Years Before the Mast". My father gave me Carl Sandburg's biography of Abe Lincoln. I think I will be this book next. After all it is Abe's 200th birthday.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that today was Lincoln's birthday. They drove to Alpena today for some shopping. Uncle Guy purchase two ton of coal today. Coal was used for home heating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those war-dodging Canucks.