Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday January 29, 2009

I started the day shovelling the walk and drive. I walked to the MAC. After MAC I walked to the Kava House. I got my 30 in before 1200.

This afternoon I packed for our trip to SC. I also checked the weather along our proposed route. It will be cool and we might encounter some snow along the way. We are traveling interstates so I think the roads will be clear. I am taking my laptop with me and I hope to write this blog from our stops along the way. Stay tuned.

After packing I had to again shovel the walk. We had received 2" of snow since this morning. I also filled up the bird feeders and left some corn for the squirrels. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the french dip and Nancy had a bowl of soup.

We plan on leaving before 0700. We will have to shovel before we leave. Ben the young man living next door will shovel the walk while we are gone.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The cold continues. GG is confined to the house. He walked up and down stairs for 600o feet. I don't know how GG measured the 6000 feet. If it is the distance between the first and second floor that means he had to go up and down the stairs 30 times. That should be good exercise for an 81 year old man.

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