Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday January 2, 2009

I set my alarm because I had to have my car into the resealers by 0730. Nancy picked me up and we drove to the MAC. I got done before Nancy so I went to the Starbucks in Breton Village and had coffee and donuts. When finished I walked back to the MAC and Nancy and I headed for Meijers on 28 th Street. This Meijers is also called the 3 rd world Meijers. We like it because it is convenient. Meijers has tried to remodel this store but the GR planning commission had denied their request. Now Meijers will move to Wyoming and GR will lose a great store and mucho tax revenues.

Nancy dropped me off at the resealers. I ran several errands and then took a 3 mile walk. After a short nap we headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. This evening we watched a video, Get Smart. It was ok for a Friday night.

I found my great grandfathers diary. His Jan 2, 1938 was very quiet. He mentioned that Sunday School at the Ossineke Methodist church was at 1100 and the main service was changed to 7:30 PM. There were 12 people in attendance. In the evening he listened to the radio.

I stepped on the scale and found I had gained 7 pounds since Thanksgiving. I guess I will have to get back to my normal boring but effective routine of diet and exercise. I did get my 30 in.

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