Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday January 11, 2009

Sunday is swim day at the MAC. Nancy and I get up at 0700 and get to the MAC 10 minutes before the 0800 opening. We are the first in the pool. I swam 1600 yards. After the MAC we head for Meijers to get our weekly supplies. We needed more supplies this week because Nancy is having book club on Wednesday and the Horlings are coming over for dinner next Sunday.

Nancy fixed poached eggs for breakfast. It started to snow about 1100. After my nap I shovelled the walks. This evening Nancy and I went to an open house at Jack L's. David was there from CO. David is engaged to be married. Sonia just had some major jaw surgery. She had a big over bite. The surgery changed her looks. Nancy said she is very attractive.

We spent several hours watching 60 minutes and the end of the football game. GR really looks great with the new blanket of snow.

In Ossineke, 1938, the cow is still sick. GG paid $45 to have an aerial put on the radio. Better reception I guess.

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