Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday January 18, 2009

We set the alarm earlier than normal for Sunday so we could get our drive shovelled. We had 4" over night. The swimming pool at the MAC was crowded. The new year's resolution people are still resolute. This should end by February.

We made our usual Sunday trip to Meijers. Lately Nancy and I have been using the self check out lanes. We are starting to get the hang of it. We had poached eggs on toast for breakfast.

After my nap I had to shovel the drive at the road because the plows had been through. I also watched part of the first football game.

The Horlings came over for dinner. Nancy prepared Cornish hen and a barley with apricot dish. It was great. We talked until after 10. A good time was had by all. The lateness of the hour made me delay the blog until Monday.

Ossineke, Mi, 1938. GG had to shovel a path to the barn. They had received 12" of snow since yesterday. Remember GG is 81 years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you figured out your blogger problem.