Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday January 27, 2009

It was another cold, sunny day. I walked to the MAC and my face got really cold. However, when I left an hour later the temperature had risen about 10 degrees. There is some warmth in the old sun. The DFP has an online edition that looks just like the print copy. It looks like the mayor will be jailed for taking bribes in the sludge hauling scandal. Detroit is one corrupt city. The wife or ex-wife of congressman Conyer could also be involved.

The news media is beginning to pick up on the divisions in the democratic party. The power brokers are from the coastal states (CA and NY) and their agenda is different from the Midwestern democrats. The Midwest is for manufacturing and cheap energy and the coastal people are for solar, wind and renewable energy. They are, however, against power lines from the wind farms to the major users.

I was interested to hear Bobby Kennedy's support for solar farms out on unproductive desert land (his words). But he is against a wind farm near the family cottage at Cape Cod. I like the desert and will visit it before I visit northern Alaska. I will write Bobby and tell him if he wants solar in the desert, I want oil wells in northern Alaska.

This afternoon I started getting ready for our trip to SC. I put the back seats in the Aztek and brought my duffel bag upstairs. I had to call Tasha and ask her opinion on what route to take through Ohio. Goggle and Mapquest had two different routes. Remember tomorrow is Tasha's birthday. Give her a call.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 38. It was cold, -2. GG knows the value of exercise. The weather has confined him to the house so he walked up and down stairs for 6000 feet. Uncle Guy says the roads are really bad.

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