Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday January 26, 2009

Boy was it cold this morning. Several local area had temperatures below 0. I was going to walk to the MAC but decided to take the car. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. I had my standard week day lunch, BB&J, hard boiled egg and apple.

I had several errands to run. I stopped by Schuler's Books and bought two CDs. The CDs were: "those were our songs, music of WW II and "glen miller, greatest hits". Is it proper when I blog if I don't use capital letters?

My next stop was Best Buy where I bought a CD player for cousin Peg. She can now listen to books on CDs.

When I got home I took another two mile walk. Actually I walked around my 1 mile course two times. The sidewalks are so thick with snow that I walk in the road. The 1 mile route does not have much car traffic.

I have been reading more news on the internet. I read the DFP and also went to the "daily beast". Google also has a good new section. I downloaded my new CDs to the hard drive.

Tonight was cereal night. I had mini wheats with blueberries

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG is getting cabin fever. He wrote how cold it was, 8 degrees at 0800, noon and 6 PM. They also got 4" on snow. He also mentioned that Uncle Guy (great uncle) took his son David with him. Uncle Guy had a rural mail route so I am assuming that David went on the route and helped his dad deliver mail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh.. reminds me of the paper route days.