Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday January 19, 2009

Boy did I over sleep. I got up at 0645. We got a thin dusting of snow last night so I shovelled the driveway. It was very cold last night. It was a bright sunny day (still cold). I checked the weather channel and found out that today is 31 minutes longer than the solstice. We are also in the coldest part of the year. The average median temperature between Jan 11-Jan 31 is 22 degrees (22 for every single day). 22 degrees is the lowest median for the year. At 4:30 I went for a 3.3 mile walk.

I spent most of the day still getting acquainted with my new computer. I am having growing pains with goggle. I called Tasha to have her solve my blog problem. She solved it easily.

Tomorrow is BO's big day. I think the country is ready for a change. We all hope he succeeds.

Ossineke, MI this date 1938. It was cold, 0 in AM and 20 at noon. GG drove to Alpena and it appears he purchased 200 scratches, 100 lorying mash, grouds 166. (you figure it out) He paid $4.85.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

81 and still driving.